The Steve Laube Agency is committed to providing top quality guidance to authors and speakers. Our years of experience and success brings a unique service to our clients. We focus primarily in the Christian marketplace and have put together an outstanding gallery of authors and speakers whose books continue to make an impact throughout the world.
Our Service Philosophy

To help the author develop and create the best book possible. Material that has both commercial appeal and long-term value.

To help the author determine the next best step in their writing career. Giving counsel regarding the subtleties of the marketplace as well as the realities of the publishing community.

To help the author secure the best possible contract. One that partners with the best strategic publisher and one that is mutually beneficial for all parties involved.
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Fun Fridays – March 7, 2025
Twenty-five TV commercial jingles woven into one song. amazing creativity.
How many of them can you also sing the words? Frightening confessions are welcome in the comments.
In case you are curious, look below for the products used.
Here is what you are seeing:
Old Spice, McDonald’s fries, SpaghettiOs, Rice-A-Roni, Meow Mix, Chili’s steak bones, KitKat bars, Fanta, TUMS, Coke, the Toys “R” Us logo, a Wonder Ball, Winston cigarettes, Folgers, Band-Aids, the Farmers Insurance logo, an Oscar Mayer wiener, Alka-Seltzer, the Intel logo, Green Giant green beans, the State Farm logo, the Nationwide logo, a Hot Pocket, Mentos, and a Huggies diaper.
Congratulations on Your Rejection!
You say you got a rejection from an editor, agent, or some other unenlightened knuckle-dragger? Congratulations! No, seriously. I mean it. Congratulations. Because, though rejection feels crummy, being rejected means something. Something good. “What?” you might ask. Let me list the ways. Rejection means you wrote something. Good for you! Rejection means you demonstrated faith in yourself and your writing. Yowza! Rejection means you put something out there, rather than hiding it under a bushel. Well done, you! Rejection means you’re behaving like an actual writer. What a marvel you are! Rejection means you conquered—at least for a moment—the fear …
4 Conference Success Secrets
I have been on the faculty of nearly 200 writers conferences over the years. Some might say that is the definition of insanity… !?! But I would not be where I am today if it were not for the fine people I have met over the years at those events. I am a firm believer in the purpose behind a writers conference and what can be accomplished. After a while it became clear which writers were going to have a successful conference and those who weren’t. Let’s look at some tips to achieve conference success. 1. Set Appropriate Expectations. More …
Fun Fridays – February 28, 2025
Ten years ago, there were Llamas on the Lloose in a suburb of Phoenix! Enjoy the Llama Drama, set to very appropriate music. It’s Llike a Llittle Llost writer at a conference trying to find their cLlassroom. Fortunately, there was a local cowboy with a Llasso. Yes, Phoenix has cowboys. HT: Trissina Kear ShareTweet
Commercial Writing (The Word Count Question)
One of the common questions I get as an agent relates to how long a book should be. Many aspiring authors think about a target number of pages and chapters when they need to focus on word count. Using pages as a metric for book length likely comes from those who self-publish and are accustomed to being charged per page for their book. Depending on the type of project, there is an optimum word count that affects the length of a project. There are some variations; but generally, they all fall into a range that gives authors an idea of …