Since I am currently at the Realm Makers conference, which is “all speculative fiction all the time,” I thought today’s video would be irresistible–like a snack.
Since I am currently at the Realm Makers conference, which is “all speculative fiction all the time,” I thought today’s video would be irresistible–like a snack.
While not a new video, the message in today’s presentation is so powerful that I had to share it. The title is “Every life has a story … if we only bother to read it.” The message cuts to the core of why we work so hard in the publishing industry to tell stories, both fiction and nonfiction. To bring redemption, hope, and new life to those around us. You never know who will …
Fill your July with PUNS! I changed my iPhone name to Titanic. It’s syncing now. I tried to catch some fog. I mist. When chemists die, they barium. Jokes about German sausage are the wurst. A soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran. I know a guy who’s addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop any time. How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it. I …
Can you create a sentence, that makes sense, with five “ands” in a row, before watching today’s video? Think about that for a bit. Then see how this clever fellow does exactly that!
This video is quite creative. And even if you don’t understand the scholastic elements, just enjoy the pure delight in this professor’s love of teaching biblical languages. Wow.
Once you see today’s 30-second video, you cannot unsee it. Plus, the next time you hear the song, THIS will come to mind. Some people are far too clever.
It’s NATIONAL DONUT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is the description from the National Day Calendar website: Each year on the first Friday in June, people participate in National Doughnut or Donut Day, celebrating the doughnut and honoring the Salvation Army Lassies. The Lassies were the women who served doughnuts to soldiers during WWI. In 1917, the original “Salvation Army Doughnut” was first …
Today’s video has been around for a long time. It still makes me laugh. Don’t try to fix it!
Since today is the Friday before a long holiday weekend (at least in the USA), I figure many of you need a break. But not the kind that doesn’t use your brain. Instead, today’s video shows 10 puzzle problems. Your task is to move one or two matchsticks and change the mathematical equation. Great fun! Play this with your children or grandchildren. The first one has another solution, if …
This is a video of a new writer who cannot follow our agency’s guidelines. But is having a blast nonetheless. The exasperated agent is trying to be nice, but in the end, the writer must be sent packing.