For some reason I found this mesmerizing. Only 1:21 in length so you tell me if you were as fascinated as I was. Enjoy!
And if you really like this sort of thing, enjoy the eight minute rendition of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on the organ.
For some reason I found this mesmerizing. Only 1:21 in length so you tell me if you were as fascinated as I was. Enjoy!
And if you really like this sort of thing, enjoy the eight minute rendition of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on the organ.
If we can’t laugh at ourselves we are doomed. Enjoy today’s commercial break. (Add new words or phrases in the comments below but don’t use any of them in your next writing project!)
Blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii plays his own composition at Carnagie Hall. The piece is titled “Elegy for the Victims of the Tsunami of March 11, 2011 in Japan.” Around the three minute mark you’ll see something very touching as he performs. Does your own writing move you?
Is this a metaphor for the writing life? If so, explain in the comments below. HT: Carol Ashby
“How NOT to get published!” Karen Porter of Bold Vision Books put together this hilarious video of the wrong way to pitch your book at a writers conference. As she says, every incident is based on real events. I can attest to that truth! Enjoy!
Ever been in a meeting like this? It never happens in book publishing. Ever. However, publishing does like its fiction…
Watch the entire nine minute segment from last week’s “America’s Got Talent” audition. Amazing. Now, as a writer, think of this from the judge’s perspective (or the agent or editor’s perspective). There are talented people who perform well and deserve praise. And then comes something special that stands out. Those of us on this side of the desk have experienced …
Gotta love Millennials. This song will help you spell it correctly every time…and has a fun message too!
All writers and teachers of writing should get a kick out of this one. Wait for it…
Writing got you down? Time to learn a new skill. Become a classical musician in a few easy steps: Isn’t it easy? Just like becoming a writer in a few easy steps?