A lack of gravity doesn’t stop this group from making an amazing video. The combination of music, choreography, creativity, and sheer genius is breathtaking. Enjoy!
Fun Fridays
Fun Fridays – February 19, 2016
British sketch comedy at its finest. Imagine how much fun they had writing the sketch and then performing it! HT: Kim Moore
Fun Fridays – Feb. 12, 2016
This is one of my favorites. The barbershop quartet “Main Street” imagines what their music will sound like twenty years from now. They are really good. You owe it to yourself to spent 8 1/2 minutes listening to the fun. Hope this brings a smile to your day.
Fun Fridays – February 5, 2016
A tender animated short film (4 minutes). Watch it all the way through. You’ll be glad you did. This short film, by film student Jacob Frey, just finished a circuit of 180 film festivals where it won 50 different awards. Now that you’ve watched the film you can see the short web-comic it was based on. (click here) Like it on Facebook! (Facebook Page: The Present)
Fun Fridays – January 29, 2015
Imagine Mozart and Adele co-writing a song together. You might end up with something like this latest piece from The Piano Guys. A combination of Adele’s “Hello” and Mozart’s “Lacrimosa” from his Requiem in D Minor (if you want to hear Mozart’s original piece it is posted below). Below is Mozart’s “Lacrimosa” complete with translation …
Fun Fridays – Jan. 22, 2016
Proof that English is an amazing language.
Fun Fridays – Jan. 15, 2016
These famous brothers are so entertaining to watch. Especially when playing their instruments. I encourage those of you with kids to show a couple of these classic films…make it a family night. We don’t want them to be lost to the next generation.
Fun Fridays – Jan. 8, 2016
Some book covers use stock photography as their foundation, but others are original and have a dedicated photo shoot. Take a look at this behind the scenes video of what has become the new cover for Lynette Eason’s February release, Always Watching. (Lynette is one of Tamela’s clients.) It is book one in a new series published by Revell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApUhRmpBU_A
A Fun Fridays Merry Christmas! – Dec. 25, 2015
When you have a quiet moment enjoy this beautiful rendition of “Silent Night” from Placido Domingo and The PianoGuys.
Silly Saturday – Dec. 19, 2015
I couldn’t resist posting this oldie but goodie. Silent Monks singing!