Twenty-five TV commercial jingles woven into one song. amazing creativity.
How many of them can you also sing the words? Frightening confessions are welcome in the comments.
In case you are curious, look below for the products used.
Here is what you are seeing:
Old Spice, McDonald’s fries, SpaghettiOs, Rice-A-Roni, Meow Mix, Chili’s steak bones, KitKat bars, Fanta, TUMS, Coke, the Toys “R” Us logo, a Wonder Ball, Winston cigarettes, Folgers, Band-Aids, the Farmers Insurance logo, an Oscar Mayer wiener, Alka-Seltzer, the Intel logo, Green Giant green beans, the State Farm logo, the Nationwide logo, a Hot Pocket, Mentos, and a Huggies diaper.
They waltz ’round inside my brain
and give my soul a scary tingle.
I know by heart each bright refrain
of every commercial jingle
from The San Francisco Treat
to Green Giant’s valley fair,
and the Spaghetti-Os I eat
are suffused with smoky Winston air,
but Nationwide is on my side,
plop-plop-fizz-fizz brings relief.
Old Spice boosts my manly pride,
and it is my firm belief
that naught on this Earth could be keener
than to be an Oscar Mayer Weiner.
Thanks for the ear worms, Steve! Barry Manilow does a song called VSM in his concerts. It stands for “Very Strange Medley” and stands for all the commercial jingles he wrote before becoming a big star.
Amazing! Thank-you!!
Anywhere I go…if my ear picks up a line from commercials like these the brain joins in. The mouth might move. For the sake of those around me, I would not begin to sing🙂
I am a commercial watcher to see the psychology used to convince the viewer to buy their product – or get their doctor to prescribe it. Fascinating. Perhaps I missed my first career!
Some people have a lot of time on their hands. Lol. I seldom watch tv, and then it’s all pre-recorded (except for Hockey games) so only knew a few. What talent!!! Fun.