Go to the website below and select the year you were born (or any year for that matter).
Time Traveler – Mirriam-Webster
The results will show you the words and phrases that were first used in that year. Fascinating fun!
For my mom, it is words like air traffic controller, die-hard, deep fry, eye shadow, expense account, hearing aid, learning curve, tux.
In 1968 (50 years ago) the results show: Band-Aid, car seat, cellulite, drive-by, data mining, LED, talk radio, self-destruct, unplugged, word processor.
And here I thought Band-Aids had been around forever!
Damon J. Gray
Oh, how fun! Thank you for sharing this.
Janet Ann Collins
We had Band-aids when I was a kid in the 1940s.
claire o'sullivan
Hi Steve –
Great! I have two that stand out. RAM (one would think me more tech literate. Ha.).
Perhaps the next describes my (life) weird sense of humor. Had to develop this during high school and within my sarcasm prone family. Clown fish.
Joey Rudder
That WAS fun! As I scrolled down, one word jumped out and hit me in the face: stressed. So I can tell my husband the word was born the same year I was, so we’re practically twins and it’s not my fault I get “stressed” like I do. He’s my brother. 🙂
Sheri Dean Parmelee, Ph.D
Groan….I can’t believe those words, which shall now and forever more be nameless lest someone check them out and figure out that I’m not really 32….
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Yikes! The year of my birth includes writer’s block!
Johnnie Alexander
One of my favorite words popped up in my year: writerly!
Roberta Sarver
Really? The word “skort” was around way back then? Bwa-ha-ha-ha!