In case you were wondering, today is the 199th birthday of the state of Maine. It is also the birth date of Saint Nicholas (270 A.D.) But that was merely to get your attention.
Today’s video reveals something every writer needs so they can spend more time writing and less time on social media.
This is Bob’s “telephone operator” commenting on your post. Great post.
(I understand that in version 2, the telephone operator will write a book–using a smartphone, of course.)
Excellent response.
Wow, that was fascinating!
Where can I get one of those? Does it adjust to automatically increase my platform? If so, I’m in.
Well, hmph, gee, if the implication is that _I_ waste my time as a robotic slave of social media, well, umm . . . PLATFORM! That’s it! I’ve got to work on my Platform!
Whew . . . that was a close one.
Well! If the implication is that _I_ am overtaken by robotic interactions with social media, then umm, all I can say is, ehh . . . PLATFORM! That’s it! I’ve got to work on my Platform!
Yeah. Whew. That a close one . . . .
See? I’ve even worked out slight variations in my robot’s responses, though I have to take it out of burst-fire mode, darn it.
Very funny. Got me thinking, so I googled “automated social media tools.”
127,000,000 results (seriously.)
This is going to take a while.
One day instead of cellphones we’ll have brain implants. Then an evil world government will take them over and control us all. (Can you tell I’m a writer?)
If you build it, they will come. But will they buy it?
I love it. Best day of my social media life was the other day when Facebook went down. Thus, I skipped all social media and the news.
Thus, I was able to skip my normal routine and finish a 450-page book and prepare for a (wait for it) social media interview.
Exactly what I neeeeeed!
His absolutely straight face is the best part!?