For fountain pens and India ink,
Legal pads and time to think,
Olivetti, Underwood, Selectric,
Typewriters both manual and electric,
Typing paper, carbon paper,
Correction ribbon and Liquid Paper,
Dictionaries and thesauri,
Keyboards, touchpads, countless styli,
Strunk and White and Zinsser too,
Staples, tape, and Elmer’s Glue,
Desktops, laptops, iPads, printers,
Modems, faxes, scanners, shredders,
Voice recording and dictation,
Chairs for work and relaxation,
Templates, shortcuts, tips and tricks,
Cross pens, Shaffers, Pilots, Bics,
For all the tools that have played their part,
Flow thanks from this poor writer’s heart.
I so love this thanksgiving poem though I am not a published writer (yet). Thank you
Bob I love this!! You are so gifted and love your humor!
Thank you, Bob, for light yet serious look at a writer’s Thanksgiving list. I remember being so grateful for the Smith-Corona with the cartridge ribbon and correction cartridge.
Love this, Bob!
If Thanksgiving comes to mean
what its name implies,
then I’m thankful for the dream
that once born, never dies.
Yes, gone now is ruddy health,
but its place is taken
by a newfound witness-wealth
whose faith remains unshaken.
So Lord, I’d like to thank you
for these red-flame days,
and know that gratitude is true,
and let it stand always
for perpective now begat of pain,
though I may lack strength to thank again.
If you know and used all of these things, you are old. But time marches on. We will either change or be left behind. I’m glad that I am changing to reach this new generation.
Love this. Happy Thanksgiving!
From one whose favorite place to shop is an office supply store, thank you. I am one of those oldies who remembers these things.
I love it! Thanks, Bob. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Wow Bob! I didn’t know you were a poet as well! Very lovely. God bless you.
Niiiice. Well done, Bob. Thanks.
Thanks for all you and the agency does to help us become better writers. I am thankful for you all at the Laube Agency!
Ha ha! Love this!
Many of us just deeply delight in God, His gifts of humor and verse. A clever parade of thankfulness for the many tools that have made writing possible. Thank you for bringing smiles and blessings! Jan
Well, that just about covers it. Thank you, Bob. I had never thought about the actual scope of the tools of the writer’s trade.
And blessings on your Thanksgiving.