The words We'll Be Right Back in a framed sign hanging in a store window to communicate the message that the owner or attendant is on break or vacation
We are taking a short break. Resuming on January 8th.
Steve Laube, president and founder of The Steve Laube Agency, a veteran of the bookselling industry with 40 years of experience. View all posts by Steve Laube →
A well-deserved break. Praying all is well for you and eo at SLA.
Happy New Year!
Dear Steve and crew,
You all deserve a vacation and January is the perfect time: after a busy year and before the next busy year gets underway.
Enjoy your time off, you earned it!
Dear Steve and crew,
You all deserve a vacation and January is the perfect time. Enjoy your time off, you earned it!
Enjoy a well-deserved break. See you next year!