How fast can you read and still retain comprehension.
This is a fun video that in just over a minute illustrates the exercise. Enjoy!
How fast can you read and still retain comprehension.
This is a fun video that in just over a minute illustrates the exercise. Enjoy!
Book Puns! Create a combination of a book title and author that together make a great pun. Below are a few that have recently circulated on social media. I’ve included some of my own. Your assignment is to post a new one in the comments below (please keep them appropriate). Enjoy! How to Write Big Books by Warren Peace What You Should Believe by I. Noah Tall The Art of Archery by Beau N. …
In honor of our youngest daughter’s birthday this weekend… She and I have laughed at this audio many times. To the point of being able to quote it. I was excited to find it available on YouTube (our version is a CD). Listen and then you’ll understand this story: Years ago while in a very crowded elevator after watching a big event, I looked over at her and said, …
A little understood behind-the-scenes job in the film making industry. Would you like to have a job like this? To have your business card read “Foley Artist” as a job description? It is interesting to think that the novelist has to somehow convey the sound or the texture of a scene using only words. And to do it without overwriting (describing absolutely everything). When you read a …
Something fun to watch today…featuring man’s best friend! Imagine choreographing this and then hoping that all the actors cooperate! A little like organizing a large writers conference! (?)
To those of you with an April birthday, “Happy Birthday!” Today’s video is a fun interpretation of the song if it had been composed by some of the world’s greatest classical musicians. Enjoy!
He can clap 721 times in 60 seconds. A world record. When I need applause for finishing my blog I’ll hire him.
This video is the perfect illustration of the futility of an author trying to chase the market and catch it.
Hard to imagine in these days of the printing press that at one time a book was handcrafted. In addition, some were illuminated or adorned with elaborate artwork. Today’s video is a six minute presentation on the craft of hand-printed illuminated manuscripts. Enjoy!
BUBBLE WRAP!!! First video shows how it is made. Second video is a few seconds of Bubble Wrap fun. (They don’t remember what was in the box but they will always remember the bubble wrap!) Third video is ridiculous hilarity of a bunch of guys (Dude Perfect) who created a Bubble Wrap Competition. (It has 62,000,000 views!) Enjoy!