With all the chaos in our world we sometimes just have to laugh.
Hope today’s video makes you smile!
With all the chaos in our world we sometimes just have to laugh.
Hope today’s video makes you smile!
There are some songs that simply make your heart beat faster. But when played at lightning speed you have to stop and watch. “The Flight of the Bumblee” …. on the accordion. Anybody out there know how to play the accordion?
Since this upcoming Labor Day weekend in many ways spells the official end of Summer I thought it appropriate to listen to a Beach Boys song! What makes this unusual is that what you hear is vocal only. All the instruments have been removed. Shows the beautiful genius of their voices. Enjoy “Wouldn’t it Be Nice?” [Trivia note: The late Glen Campbell was one of the greatest guitar …
A hilarious confrontation between an Elephant and a Goose. (It gets rather creative at the 30 second mark.) There has to be a metaphor somewhere in this video. Which one to do think is most appropriate? Publisher and Agent? (Which one is which?) A writers conference meeting in the hallway between a writer and an editor? Little Brother vs. Big Brother in Grandma’s backyard? Come up with your …
This phenomenon from nature is the perfect picture of a creative artist. How hard will you work on your creation? Wait for the “reveal” at the two-minute mark.
Sometimes I feel like I’m doing what this guy does in this video. Solving three Rubik’s Cubes…at the same time…while juggling them. The video is six minutes long so don’t feel bad about skipping to the end. It is the metaphor for the agenting and writing life that we’re going for today… Enjoy!
Dog steals baby’s toy. Baby cries. The apology is terrific!
Did you know that a classical piano solo can tell a story? Watch this one unfold!
If you’ve ever been in an orchestra, marching band, or choir you will recognized the universal nature of rehearsal. Enjoy! [Thank you Trissina Kear for the tip!]
After watching this video I have one question. Do you have a hidden talent too? Enjoy the surprising ability of this young lady! She was a student in New Zealand when her mates discovered her unusual talent.