Can anybody relate?
Fun Fridays
Fun Fridays – September 30, 2016
Watch this incredible impressionist perform Shakespeare in celebrity voices.
Fun Fridays – September 23, 2016
For those of you who may not have heard, Karen Ball’s father passed away this past week. She has been providing in-home care for a long time. He was a former pastor and loved the old hymns of the faith. My father passed away four years ago this month. He too loved the old hymns and particularly liked to hear me sing “How Great Thou Art.” The lives of these two fathers are what …
Fun Fridays – September 9, 2016
Truly a universal language!
Fun Fridays – September 2, 2016
Everybody’s a critic.
Fun Fridays – August 26, 2016
Enjoy a humid Summer day with Classical Music fun!
Fun Fridays – August 12, 2016
Enjoy the hilarious Victor Borge!
Fun Fridays – August 5, 2016
Up close view of Vivaldi’s “Summer – presto” performed by virtuoso David Garrett. Proves the value of practice. Apply to your profession and watch for the results! It also illustrates the genius of the composer. Someone had to write the music first…
Fun Fridays – July 29, 2016
A bit o’ comedy for a hot Summer Friday. Enjoy!