Enjoy this brother and sister piano duet…with some great twists throughout!
Fun Fridays
Fun Fridays – July 3, 2015
Sheer delight at the FAO Schwarz store in New York city. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lA9yBrnFyI
Fun Fridays – June 26, 2015
Every once in a while someone’s creativity will blow you away. Pun intended! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmSX8eX34Hs HT: Deborah Raney
Fun Fridays – June 18, 2015
Care to try a little Verdi, Puccini, and Rossini with your spaghetti?
Fun Fridays – June 5, 2015
Sometimes you have to improvise with your art.
Fun Fridays – May 29, 2015
Palindromes: A word or phrase that reads the same backward or forward. Like “we panic in a pew” … perfect for a Sunday sermon! Weird Al, singing like Bob Dylan, did an entire song where the lyrics are totally made of palindromes. It is one of those videos that you want to stop watching but can’t. Creative is one word. Strange is another. But it is all about word …
Fun Fridays – May 22, 2015
Always fun to see virtuoso musicians having a blast playing their instruments. Enjoy Lang Lang and 2Cellos on Fun Friday!
Fun Fridays – May 15, 2015
Today is 5/15/15. That just looks strange. At 5:15 today it will be 5-15-15-5:15. Has nothing to do with today’s Fun Friday, but thought I would mention it. Talk amongst yourselves… Today’s video is about what really happens when you can’t find a bookmark…
Fun Fridays – May 8, 2015
An impossible Rube Goldberg machine… Enjoy!