A word can have a completely different meaning when placed in a different context. Take the word patience in the two examples below:
Fun Fridays
Fun Fridays – May 3, 2024
Photo fun for today. Can you come up with your own caption? Here is mine: “The Journey to Publication”
Fun Fridays – April 26, 2024
Today’s six-minute video explores the making of paper, from forest to scribe. I have visited large printing press operations and seen the warehouses stacked with massive rolls of paper waiting for use. I eventually learned that different types of paper are key to different types of books. Think about the difference between thin Bible paper and the glossy paper in a magazine like National …
Fun Fridays – April 19, 2024
Clever video about a seemingly lowly device. Avoid connecting the metaphor to theological ideas, but they are present. Instead, think of your journey as a writer and the calling you have to use the gift you have been given and leave God’s mark on the world with the work of your hands. Do any of you use a pencil to write your thoughts? If so, what kind of pencil do you use?
Fun Fridays – April 12, 2024
There is no sound in today’s video. You simply have to watch carefully. It is only a minute long. Afterward, you will doubt your powers of observation. [If the video does not appear in your email newsletter, please visit the site itself to view it.]
Fun Fridays – April 5, 2024
Someone captured a video of me teaching a group of writers about contract law. We discussed topics like indemnification, moral turpitude, the statutory right of termination, and more. Unfortunately, the only thing the writers actually heard is what you hear in the video. The navy blue outfit I wore that day seemed appropriate at the time. Sorry. Enjoy! [If you cannot see the video in your email, …
Fun Fridays – March 22, 2024
I love to find creative expressions by creative people. Today’s video is a duet playing “Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor” by Bach … on glass. Yes, the video is over 10 minutes long; but at least enjoy the first two minutes, which is the most familiar part of the music. Imagine if this were played instead of the organ in Phantom of the Opera. It would be a completely different …
Fun Fridays – March 15, 2024
So much beauty everywhere. Even in places too small to see. Enjoy today’s video and contemplate the depth and breadth of our world.
Fun Fridays – March 1, 2024
Contracts can be confusing. Enjoy this wisdom from Chico and Groucho Marx (from their movie made in 1935; some things never change):