An Irish language version of the song “Cups.” What fun!
Never forget, our art can become International.
An Irish language version of the song “Cups.” What fun!
Never forget, our art can become International.
Watch this fun performance of twelve pianists playing at the same time - it could have been called "Piano for 24 hands." There is a metaphor here. This performance is a bit like the publishing experience. If you look closely you can see editorial, sales, marketing, and some booksellers all working from the same page of music. Music written by an author who is not on the stage!
Last Friday our blog featured a wonderful video called "Be More Dog." My dad had introduced it to me a couple weeks ago.
As I watched it, I realized what great advice this is for us as writers. In your writing, in your career, be more dog! How, you ask? Simple…
Meet each day—and each challenge—with abandon. Jump at the day, ready to take on whatever comes. Live in the moment. Embrace the …
Collective Nouns
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to add to this list I found on the Internet for two things. A _______of Editors and A________of Agents.
Put your answers in the comments and have fun!
1. Business of Ferrets
2. Labor of Moles
3. Mustering of Storks
4. Shrewdness of Apes
5. Gam of Whales
This is a fun cover of a popular song. The unfortunate thing is that the chorus is one of those that sticks in your head...all day. But to make it worse the lyrics of the chorus could be the anthem song for either publishers or bookstores. Listen yourself to see if you agree (you can skip the part where the arranger begins talking at the end):
Watch this 4 minute video and then save it. You may need to show it to someone in 20 years who is unsure.
"How to Read a Book" - a delightful reminder of why we work so hard to do what we do in this business.
This video is the work of Hilary Commer, and she made it for her Intro to Visual Media class at Abilene Christian University.
What begins as a fun take on Star Wars is ultimately a very clever book trailer.
Happy Summer Solstice! (Here is how we celebrate in Phoenix. At the Public Library!)
And enjoy this fun lesson in grammar.
Wouldn't if have been a blast to help put this together? Makes me want to create one of my own.
Watch the world's longest book domino chain:
I love Henri the Cat. (aka "the existential cat.")
Enjoy his most recent adventure "Cat Littérature."
and one of our favorites: