We had two car batteries die in the same month. This video looks like a lot more fun! (Only 47 seconds long.)
“Can you give me a jump?”
Fun Fridays
Fun Fridays – Oct. 12, 2012
Baptist Children’s Books
FakeJDGreear and ChurchCurmudgeon had a good time this Summer with their series, Baptist Children’s Books. Too much fun.
(HT: Trevin Wax)
Charlie Spurgeon and the Chocolate Factory
Green Eggs and NAMB (North American Mission Board)
Danny Akin and the Dinosaur
Goodnight Lottie Moon
Chick-Fil-Little: The Biblical Definition of Marriage is Falling
Harry Potter …
Fun Fridays – Oct. 5, 2012
What would happen if Apple's patent lawsuits continued into the future?
Fun Fridays – Sept. 14, 2012
We've been there at least once. (Agents too!)
Fun Fridays – Sept. 7, 2012
Amazing musical creation by Mike Tompkins doing a cover of Adele's "Rolling in the Deep." Every sound is from Mike.
Fun Fridays – August 24, 2012
Poor Snoopy. He seems to always be rejected. I think I figured out why. See below.
What Snoopy didn't realize is that he was sending his material to this editor:
Fun Fridays – July 27, 2012
Five Guys playing one piano performing the song by One Direction called "What Makes You Beautiful."
Fun Fridays – July 20, 2012
I love visual experiences that make me want to read more. Enjoy this unique video short (six minutes) extolling the joys of discovery found in books. The last scene gave me goosebumps.
Fun Fridays – July 13, 2012
Cookie Monster sings "Share it Maybe!" (You guessed it, a Sesame Street parody of the Summer's biggest pop hit sensation "Call Me Maybe".)
I vote we request that Animal do his version.