I love visual experiences that make me want to read more. Enjoy this unique video short (six minutes) extolling the joys of discovery found in books. The last scene gave me goosebumps.
I love visual experiences that make me want to read more. Enjoy this unique video short (six minutes) extolling the joys of discovery found in books. The last scene gave me goosebumps.
Cookie Monster sings "Share it Maybe!" (You guessed it, a Sesame Street parody of the Summer's biggest pop hit sensation "Call Me Maybe".)
I vote we request that Animal do his version.
Where in the World is Matt - 2012 Edition
This five minute world tour is guaranteed to make you smile. Don't skip to it, but wait for the 4:08 mark for something special.
And if you missed the original, here is the 2008 Edition:
Over 1,000 heat records set this week across the U.S. It can be kind of hot in Phoenix this time of year (112 degrees today), but this weather forecast for Baltimore takes the prize for hottest day EVER!
M.C. Grammar.... ???
A pseudo-good idea gone hopelessly strange. Only two minutes long.
This has been around for five years. It still makes me smile every time.
"When it comes to a good book, Stephen King's resume just can't compare."
Fun Friday - May 18, 2012
Quoted in its entirety from The Better Spelling Society (read their article the history of this piece). My favorite is the last stanza that reads "which rhymes with enough? Though, through, bough, cough, hough, sough, tough??"
The Chaos - by Gerard Nolst Trenité
This version is essentially the author's own final text, as also published by New River Project in 1993. A …
Word Trivia
“Stewardesses" and "reverberated" are the two longest (and commonly used) words (12 letters each) that can be typed with only the left hand.
"lollipop" is the longest word typed with your right hand.
The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.
No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or …