I wrote this piece several years ago and thought it appropriate to post every year on Dark Friday.
Take Me, Break Me
(a prayer)
by Steve Laube
Take my eyes, Lord.
Strike me blind.
* * *
Then heal me, Lord,
That I may see with Your eyes.
Take my hands, Lord.
Crush every bone.
* * *
Then heal me, Lord,
That I may touch with Your tenderness.
Take my ears, Lord.
Deafen me.
* * *
Then heal me, Lord,
That I may hear with Your sensitivity.
Take my feet, Lord.
Amputate without hesitation.
* * *
Then heal me, Lord,
That I may walk only on Your path.
Take my tongue, Lord.
Sever it.
* * *
Then heal me, Lord,
That I speak only with Your words.
Take my life, Lord.
End it
* * *
Then resurrect me, Lord,
That I may have life only in You.
Hear my prayer.
Amen, Steve! Thank you for such a poignant prayer.
These words touched me and taught me. I will use it as a prayer and share it with friends. Beautiful!
Very inspiring Steve. I too have been blessed with the gift of writing Psalms. At present, I have over 200 Psalms. I am looking to publish in e-book volumes, and larger print collections.
I am in need of an agent. Past disappointments in the ethics offered by several others. I have become cautious.
I also have self published a total of 15, secular and contemporary Christian books.
If you Google my name, Joe Callihan, and pen name, Carlote1 Bengemyre, you can find them..
I need to republish my last book: Testimony of a Miracle Man.
I feel from your writing, you too are a COMITTED Christian man. Therefore, I would like to perhaps send you some samples of my writing. I also, if you are interested, like to receive information regarding your services as an agent
I pray you have had a Spirit filled day of celebrating this RESURECTION day.
Sincerely, Joe
In my 65 years I came close to death 8 times. You can only understand Jesus and your relationship with Him better through calamity and loss and suffering. Steve Laube’s poem touches me. So true.
Amen! Take the worst part of me and resurrect it to your glory. xo
Excellent and motivating. …
Tim Wymbs
Agreeing with you. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Powerful! But then this is a powerful day!
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Steve. I’ve never liked the name “Good” Friday. Dark Friday is a better descriptor. Your words are appreciated on this Dark Day, but we know the Son Rises.
Amen, Steve. Your prayer really spoke to my heart this morning and I thank you for sharing. Easter blessings to you and your family.
Thank you for this, Steve. Praying for courage to pray this with my whole heart. And mean it.
Hi Mary,
I appreciate your reply.
If you are the Mary Hunt who writes for Epoch Times….
I think I have this little bit of personal story for you.
I grew up in Spokane, near Euclid Ave. Baptist Church.
Sound familiar? I went to VBS and sometimes heard your father preach. Ended up going to Multnomah Bible College and am in love with writing! Plus, I enjoy your home articles and their practical applications.
Sincerely, Jan Wimberley
If you know Roberta Smith Hendricksen, she is my maternal aunt and was a long time member of that neighborhood church.
May God continue to use you.
A beautiful, powerful poem, Steve. Thanks for sharing it.
Well said!! Amen….
Good word, Steve! Have a blessed Easter.
Steve, I’ve been dwelling on the meaning of this day since early morning. Thank you for the gift of this powerful and poignant prayer. I can’t help but wonder what prompted it. I have the sense it poured out of you without a lot of effort on your part….
(So great to reconnect with you at Mount Hermon. I pray that you and yours have a most blessed Easter.)
Beautiful prayer, Steve. I’m praying with you.
Have a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!
Thanks Steve – as always, excellent.
Powerful prayer, Steve. Praying to be quietly broken so we may walk boldly healed. Easter blessings to you and your family!
Wow!Steve, this is wonderful and wonderfully simple but oh so profound. Thanks for sharing with us.
Your poem expressed power with simplicity and humility with surrender.
This is something many Christian authors write about. I have my own favorites and would like to share one.
1. There was a child who came my way, he had a sweet, sad smile.
A comely lad with callused hands, we sat and talked awhile.
He didn’t talk about himself or of the games he played,
instead he asked me who I was and what I did each day.
CH: My soul grew strangely quiet, my heart was filled with peace.
What child was this who knew me so; whose words brought strange release?
His eyes were filled with laughter and sadness now and then.
His eyes are what I remembered and longed to see again.
2. I heard one day about a man who claimed to be God’s Son.
Our elders said that he must die for what he’d said and done.
I stood among the jeering crowd as soldiers forced him on;
two thieves and the false messiah, being driven through the dawn.
My God! The eyes! They are the same!
What have my people done!
He looks at me and through our tears forgives the thing I’ve done.
CH. My soul grew strangely quiet; my heart was filled with peace.
The Savior knew me as I was and granted sweet release.
His eyes showed forth compassion and cleansing for all men.
His eyes are what I remember and long to see again.
c. Donna Swanson from Splinters of Light.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Thanks for sharing. Written with true love for Him who loved with an everlasting love. You are gifted with words to share what is hard to express. This is the deep experience of His presence.
This is the hand crafting His workmanship.
Ahhh, beautiful. Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful. What a blessing to read this morning. Thanks.
Such a powerful prayer, beautifully written. Thank you for sharing this!
Amen. Thank you, Steve, for sharing such a wonderful reminder of what I need to do. Bless you.
Thank you, Steve. That was beautiful.
I’ve begun a tradition of using this as my meditation on Good/Dark Friday, Steve. Every year its meaning becomes deeper for me. Thank you for writing it and continuing to post it.
Awesome God. Awesome message. Thanks for sharing it.
Beautiful, thoughtful way to begin my Easter weekend. Thanks, Steve. Your poem is all the more powerful because it seems that you’ve truly prayed this prayer in your life and have received the “healing” and lived in it in word and deed.
Blessed Easter!
Thank you for sharing this powerful prayer, obviously written by a man after God’s own heart. I printed it out to place in my Bible. What a beautiful picture of surrender and trust. I am grateful for your spiritual leadership, Steve.
Steve, this is a prayer we all should pray every day. It is the ultimate prayer of surrender. I shared the link with my blog followers today. Bless you and thank you.
Thank you, Steve. It was nice talking to you on the phone. It was nicer still to see your heart. This is what I thought of when reading it.
Death of self – a blessing
Trust Him with complete abandonment
Throw off what so easily separates us
Mine is a hand dominated by His Sovereignty.
Mine is a heart touched by His love.
Steve, that made me cry and pray the same. God bless your Resurrection Sunday!
Thank you. Imagine what the world would look like if every believer embraced this prayer.
This is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
Very Beautiful.
And God is faithful to do it all.
I think I understand this better, this year, than ever before … thank you!
I love that prayer/poem. It takes a brave person to even ask that. It opens doors to opportunities that can stretch a person beyond the limits of imagination, but never without rewards.
What a beautiful, humble prayer. May it be my prayer this Easter and every day!
It’s the great exchange. To give what we think precious to receive what He knows is a treasure is the essence of a yielded heart.
Such a difficult prayer to pray, but just what we need to be whole and then follow Him…wholeheartedly. Thank you.
Love it. Amen. Thanks for sharing, Steve.
Thank you. I’m going to “adopt” this prayer as one of my own.
There were many times when I thought it better to cease existing. Maybe my faith is weak. My mind tells me that if for all these years of my life I talked to my Saviour then why should I feel blank in adversity? Today is Good Friday. I shall cease complaining and join the rest at the foot of the cross.
This is such a powerful prayer. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful. When I was a brand new Christian, I would’ve found it impossible to pray this kind of prayer with the depth of understanding it needs. But now many years later and with the suffering I have seen, I understand how limited my sight and hearing really are, if not filtered through the suffering of Jesus on the cross. My gratitude to my Savior grows more and more. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you! What a beautiful prayer to offer to the Lord. It’s one He can use to make us useful in His kingdom. I’ll be sharing this at church tomorrow.
What a beautiful prayer and a blessing on this day.
Never thought of asking God to touch my body in that way, but it is a great way to wake me up. Thanks for sharing.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Amen. Thank you for sharing this, Steve. Each year when I read this it moves my heart yet again.
Blessings as we look forward to celebrating our risen Christ. 🙂
Write on!
So special, Steve. I want you to know how exceptional your post is. Yes, it is Dark Friday. I suspect the ‘Good’ label means it will be good in three days. But, it does make me wonder about how and why Jesus’ church calls it ‘Good.’ Thank you for a very special piece, and peace.
Anointed writing !
Right in line my friend. Thank you for your inspirational post. Happy Easter. Matthew 22:37
Wow. Powerful prayer. Thanks for sharing it.
Yes! Thanks for verbalizing what is in my heart as well!
Brilliant and moving poem, Steve.
We have all walked our own personal Via Dolorosa – or we will, be it one of physical pain or loss or disaffection or shame.
But from another season, the words of King Wenceslas still ring out:
“Mark my footsteps well, my page,
tread thou in them boldly.
Thou shalt find the winter’s rage
freeze thy blood less coldly”
Our path has been marked, and though the cold will rip our flesh and chill our bones, we have the broad back of a ing to give us shelter.
God bless us, every one.
Powerful and such a beautiful reminder of the surrender we strive for! What a glorious life we will lead when this is our anthem, moment by moment. Thank you!
You’re speaking the heart beat of believers today. Well done. Thank you for sharing. Write on!
Amen. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us, Steve.
Have a blessed Easter.
I read this, and commented, when you shared it in 2013. Since then, you have continued to be a wonderful mentor and friend. I thank God for your partnership in sharing the Gospel of Christ, as well as for your inspiring leadership and encouragement over the years. As I read your prayer again, I still stand in agreement and say, “Me, too, Lord!” Hallelujah! Thanks for being you, Brother.
Beautiful. This touches my heart. Have a blessed Easter! He is Risen!
What a treasure.
When I contemplated the depth of these beautiful phrases and let them penetrate my heart and mind, goosebumps prickled on my arms and. Chilling and powerful words. Truth. We are nothing, Jesus is everything, and it is only through His sacrifice that we even dare to live.
Thank you for composing such a somber but uplifting reminder.
Have a blessed Easter/Resurrection weekend.
Truth. Beautiful. Thank you, Steve.
So incredibly beautiful x
What a powerful message. Thank you.
Beautiful, Steve. Thank you!
“Peter’s Lament”
They say, “Oh, he’s gone ahead”
but all we see is that he’s gone;
the joys we shared are lying dead
and life must still go on.
I wish I could freeze yesterday
when he was by my side
to run and laugh and sing and play
and then, mischievously, hide.
He’s hidden in the twist of now,
and I’m in a desperate land
not knowing either why or how
I can still find strength to stand.
I’ve GOT to remember what He taught,
and find the faith for which He fought.
Thank you, Steve, for reminding us why we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord!
Steve, beautiful words. We know the light comes Sunday morning, but the darkness of today–what we did to our Lord–always hangs heavy.
Amen. Happy Easter! He Is Risen, Risen Indeed!!
Thank you, Steve, for coming up with a perfect name for this day. “Dark Friday.” Because indeed it did go dark for a short period. This is what I will call it from now on. Always hated the thought of “Good Friday” even if it was a good day for all who call upon our Lord for salvation. But it certainly wasn’t a good day for my Savior.
The poem was perfect. The true feelings of those who are anxious to be with our Lord. Every day, I ask if today might be the day of rapture. And someday that will happen, or my earthly temple will expire, and I’ll go to be with my Savior that way. But until that happens, the first lines are what I must ask. This poem is heartfelt. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Sharing it with my group forum.
So good.
Thank you, Steve! Amen! If only His church reflected that prayer more. We’d represent Him more accurately in this world.
Less of me, Lord, and more of You!
Beautiful on this “Good” Friday. Why good? Because I couldn’t be. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Steve, for this powerful, humble prayer. So beautiful.
Gorgeous. Love “Dark Friday” maybe more than Good Friday, although I know why it is good.
May I share this on a missionary mailing list of about 325? Full attribution, of course. Thank you so much.
Feel free to post.
Beautiful oprayer, Steve. Thank you!
Beautiful prayer, Steve. Thank you!
Holy-Spirit inspired.
To God be the glory.
Beautiful, Steve.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
HE is Risen!
Amen, for every word.
Just putting in my “thanks” also. I don’t recall reading this in prior years, so I’m grateful for your insight.
Thank you! Beautiful!!!
Blessed weekend and greetings from us all!
Sister Georjean
Thanks so much, Steve. Beautiful.
It was a day so dark the sun itself was blotted out, yet the third morning gave us the dazzling sunrise that illuminates all of human history.
Thank you for sharing such a thought-provoking poem for us to ponder this Good Friday. A hard prayer to pray but what we all need to put into practice. I pray my heart would always be willing to pray this with sincerity. God bless you.
Thought-provoking, especially when we are wracked with trials. Thank you!!! Have a blessed Good Friday and a very blessed Easter to you and yours!!!
Steve, this i a perennial. Thanks for the opportunity to see it again.
Last night was the darkest yet for me, personally…chest pain of the proverbial ‘elephant sitting on the chest and smoking a hookah’ variety.
I despaired…and then Something Happened.
It really happened, and I offer this with the wish that someone out there may find hope in the words.
I’m not one to learn the Scripture;
my memory is not that good,
and it doesn’t paint the picture
that others say, for me, it should.
But last night I was feeling crook,
and Apostle Paul sat on my bed;
opening up the Holy Book,
he stayed with me the night and read
about a spirit not of fear,
but one of faith and love and hope,
and as the morning sun drew near
I knew, fair dinkum, I could cope
in patience with the days ahead,
for dying’s gain and not just ‘dead’.
Beautiful. Thank you.
Beautiful! Thank you, Lord.
Thank you. This is just what I needed today.
Steve, thank you for sharing this truly Dark Friday. my heart broke and sang as I read.
Thank you, Jesus, for all you have done for me…for us.
Thank you, Steve, for your beautiful poem.
I cannot comprehend the depth of suffering and sacrifice He made on this Dark Friday. For us. For me.
May I add a thought?
Break my heart, Lord
Then heal it that
I may reflect Your love in this world.
I too like the name Dark Friday. I’m guessing that the name Good Friday actually came from God Friday. Either way, thanks for your prayer.
Thank you for a prayer which is needed more than ever in this trial. The Holy Spirit is with you giving words to comfort and help.
God bless and keep you safe.
Powerful. I fall so short of being able to pray that without reservation or fear, I can only plead for mercy and grace.
What I would have written if I’d thought of it. Thank you, Steve. It shows your heart. A heart for our Lord. Blessings!
From a subscriber in Sydney, thanks Steve. Wonderful reminder of our source of hope, peace and love.
Inspiring, Steve. I so get it!
Hope your Resurrection day was ibeautiful.
Oh my goodness, this is a beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I love it! I tweeted, pinned it, & put in on my Facebook page. Thank you for sharing.
Amen! As we go into a summer, trying to run camps with an incredible set of rules to follow and the weight of children’s needs on our shoulders, I must remember such words!
Thanks for sharing your poem. It reminds me of Romans 12:1-2. Have a blessed Easter.
Very touching–thank you!
Beautiful prayer. Thank you.
My sentiment as well. Beautifully written.
More moving every time I read it, Steve. Thank you.
Broken for our prideful sins,
forsaken from Above,
on Dark Friday it begins,
His torture born of Love
that would no longer send the flood
to remake Creation, whole;
He, instead, would give the blood
to ransom every soul
that would but pause and try to think,
perhaps to understand,
that bread we eat and wine we drink
can bid us take His hands
to feel the ridged and awful scars
from when He gave His heart for ours.
Thanks for this, Steve. It’s very touching.
Beautiful, Steve! Thank you for sharing! I pray you and your family have a glorious Easter!
Excellent. Thank you. Thanks be to God.
Wonderful. Thank you.
Thank you, Steve. May the Lord break and heal us all, so that we bring Him glory and honor.
May this Resurrection Sunday fill you with awe and rejoicing.
Very beautiful!!! Hey Mr Steve Laube, I never knew you were such a great ,talented, creative and inspirational poet. I really love this. God bless you! Amen to that prayer for me as well!
Some claim He took death with a wink,
for rising was the plan,
but they do not stop and think
that Christ was also man,
for they would like to cut Him down
to ‘size’, an unforced error,
ignoring blood from thorny crown,
and the deep-shared terror
that our Lord must with us share
that we, feebly, might begin
to see His heights of loving care,
and depth of our own sin,
that falling, weeping, to our knees
is light price for our release.
Thank you, Steve, for posting this poem again.
Blessing to all this Easter season!
Powerful and so insightful.
Thank you, Steve. Tough stuff.
And thank you for your vision to inspire us to listen to His call.
Beautiful. Amen.
Simply beautiful.
What a lovely poem.
Thank you, Steve. Exactly what I needed today.
That poem certainly resonated with me. Thank you.
This should be every Christians prayer. Wow! Thanks for sharing Steve.
Blessings to you and yours.
Blessings, Steve.
Yes, Lord. Make it so.
A powerful prayer, Steve. Thank you.
And now it has come down to this,
and Heaven holds its breath.
A shared meal and a traitor’s kiss,
and the way to dusty death.
The bright and hopeful words were spoken,
the dead were really raised again,
but now the Body had been broken,
and now how dare we yet remain
in the faith that we were given
by presence of Man made Divine?
He is gone and we are riven,
pearls ‘fore heedless demon-haunted swine
that mate and feed, do what they will
below the Cross upon the hill.
Amen, Andrew!
Thanks, Karen!
This is beautiful❤ Thank you✝
Thank you, Steve! Beautiful.
Oh, He was good on that dark day,
So good to take my place.
See goodness, love, and glory ray
From that beloved, ravaged Face.
Will others know Him as I try
To speak of His resplendent grace?
Yet better if I daily die,
The Cross’s shadow my life trace.
Karen, this is outstanding.
Very powerful, and love, love, the emphasis on the resurrection. Thank you! Happy Easter!
Powerful. Touching. Saving and printing to put just above my screen so I can see it and pray it often. Thank you.
I’m praying the same. ✝️ Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for posting this prayer again. A blessing and reminder.
Have a blessed weekend.
So profound; thank you.
“Take my breath, Lord. That I may have your breath, your life, in me.”
Powerful sentiments, Steve. I too repost this poem every Good Friday, with a prayer that it might bless and redeem. :)Marcia
Redemption by Marcia Lee Laycock
In a land unyielding to
its own thirst
You were a geyser
steam and power
surging up from bowels
bursting to give up
Your life
for ours
We asked you about rules and taxes
bread and water left
But when, in that final act
You erupted,
took with you all the pain
of this severed life,
Your Spirit gushing beyond
arms pinioned and
side slashed
into wholeness regained,
You took us with You.
I pray this along with you every Good Friday, Steve. Thank you.
May I say that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The Lord makes us whole. He does not have to break us (which is not theraputic) we are already broken, He makes us whole. This is religion, not Christianity. The Lord is not in the business of crushing eyes or doing any other damage to His people. He is showing them how to be whole. He does this through His Word, which has the power to heal and make whole. The Word of God makes whole physically, mentally, emotionally, and every other way. To see with the Lord’s eyes, He won’t take your eye. He will anoint them with the Word so you can see
He knows Jesus Christ heals. I believe he is pointing out his sinful nature and asking God to cleanse him.
I am sorry this piece did not strike you as intended. The metaphor was meant to illustrate our need for repentance and brokenness. The scripture passage from Job 5:17-18 inspired it, note especially verse 18:
“Blessed is the one whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal.”
Blessings to you as you continue on your writing journey.
Very touching! Reminds of how sinful I am. Jesus thank you for your love and blessings.
What Christ did on that cross was for me, for you, for everybody, both past and present. His death brought life. One can’t forget that he had to die that we might live. I’m so thankful.
🛐☦️ Amen Steve so be it in my body too.
“Take my soul and let it be
Consecrated, Lord to Thee”
Sanctify me God and
set me apart for You
that all I do is for Your Glory and Majesty
my life was worth nothing
till You paid the price
Now I’m still worth nothing
without You
pamela weeks
Wow. This is a prayer that takes incredible courage to pray.
Thank you, Steve. I agree. Suffering had broken me and taught me to stay on my knees and trust Him.