A couple major happenings over on the publishing side of my world. Enclave publishing has two events that happened this past week.
First is the launch of a Kickstarter campaign as a means to have fans of Science Fiction & Fantasy have pre-publication access to the new titles at a great discount.
Check it out!
Enclave Publishing’s Kickstarter Campaign
Second, we have launched a brand new web site. Please visit and sign up for the newsletter (and get a free e-book!).
Visit: Enclave Publishing
Thank you for all your support in this new venture!
Hi! Will the email lists transfer from the old newsletter to the new one? Or do we need to resign up?
If you were already receiving the MarcherLord Press email newsletters you will receive those from Enclave Publishing!
On Monday, you should receive one telling about the newly designed web site.
Thank you for asking!
Looks great.
Exciting stuff! Can’t wait to see how the Kickstarter campaign goes. Congratulations on this bold (and fun) new heroes’ journey. And thank you again for blazing the way for us off-the-beaten-pathers.
Thank you, Steve, for the link and the e-book gift. I’m all signed up. The free book will be the first one I’ll read on the Kindle my husband bought for me.
Blessings ~ Wendy ❀
I was about to leave a comment saying I couldn’t find where to sign up, when I looked again. FYI, when I use my mouse wheel to scroll, it ran right past the relatively small portion of the screen telling us we get free e-books for signing up for the newsletter.
You might consider putting a widget closer to the top of the page, or on the menu, or even include something on the “contact us” page.
In an unrelated topic, ever since you redesigned the blog format here (which I love, btw), I have issues commenting. I’m able to tab from name to email to website, but when I hit tab again to get into the comment box, it jumps me to the top of the page, and I have to scroll down to get back to the comment box. I use Pale Moon (a Mozilla browser) on a Win7 home system.