Today, June 14 in the United States, marks the day in 1777 when the Second Continental Congress passed “The Flag Resolution,” establishing the Stars and Stripes as the nation’s official flag. Below is a short video with a more-detailed explanation.
While it is clear that our ultimate allegiance should be to Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we can still have patriotism for our country, warts and all. There is no perfect kingdom on this earth, which is why we strive to serve God’s Kingdom and proclaim His glory among the nations.
Yet I am still stirred when the country’s flag is displayed. (See the photo below the YouTube video taken on September 11, 2001. It shows the flag in front of the burning World Trade Center. A symbol of resiliency.)
(If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
Photo from:
I did a Flag Day blog post about why the flag meant so much to my grandmother, who lost three sons during WWII. When the effects of the one KIA in Austria were returned, there was a small New Testament. Inside is the picture of the American flag with his note underneath, “I give everything for the country it stands for.” lump in throat
Thanks for reminding us of the importance of knowing the flag we are flying. We all fly a flag of sorts – let it be a flag that honors God!
More than just a bolt of cloth,
more than coloured bits and thread;
it shows a liberty not lost,
a guarantee from men now dead.
More than a symbol and design,
more than a promise down the years,
its stars and stripes have been refined
by a flood of fallen tears.
More than hope, but less than glory
(for that belongs to God above),
the flag tells nonetheless the story
of a special kind of love
that’s handed down to you and me
to know that freedom isn’t free.
Thank you, Andrew. Well said!
For those of us who were fortunate enough to have been born in the U.S. or to have immigrated here, It means a lot to have a symbol that reminds us all of our blessings. As Steve says, our country is not perfect, but Americans have traditionally shown respect for the flag that represents our freedom and our good fortune.
I don’t know if it’s intentional, but the power pole in the second picture also forms the shape of a cross.
Thank you, Steve. Well-said.
Thank you for your thoughtful post, Steve.
Thank you for this thoughtful reminder of Flag Day and our perfect kingdom with God. What a special photo from 9/11!
Thank you. For your thoughtful, poignant post.