This video is quite creative. And even if you don’t understand the scholastic elements, just enjoy the pure delight in this professor’s love of teaching biblical languages. Wow.
Fun Friday – June 21, 2024

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Hilarious. Sounds like Monty Python!
That was so much fun. And now we know where the Phoenicians came from. Who knew??!! (LOL)
I loved it! I know just enough Biblical languages to get a real “charge” from this for my Friday. Thanks for sharing.
I love it! I’ll have to share this.
Ha! My oh my, such a talent for rhyming ridiculously difficult words 🙂
Loved this, even though as a Canadian I find myself on the wrong side of history with Philistine forebears!
Too funny! As a Gilbert and Sullivan fan, my dad would love this. It’s even more creative than “I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General.”
Yes, but did he check his Kabbalah keyword ranking?
Absolutely hilarious! This singer is quite winsome, and in so playing the part of a man constituted as a tight-focus-opinionated-rigid-righteous-clown… he might well opine, and strongly opine, “In That Day Teachings” are pointless… despite the cornucopia fruit that are entirely… pointy!
Nevertheless, a brilliant testimony that our minds can access high powers. (The point of In That Day Teachings, that through a restoration of ancient pedagogy of line-upon-line instead of 3-point platitudes, and fierceness adherence to truth rather than the applause of mad-men, the Mind-of-Christ can be obtained unto the redounding of Christ-in-You… the point of this Millennium!) How do you like them apples?
Hilarious! Reminds me of the semester of postdoctoral Akkadian I took except this is much more fun. I wonder if any of my Hebrew students remember what hithpa’el, hithpolel, and hishtaphel refer to—which is the whole point (still a little sad for us biblical language professor geeks).
You’ve got to feel quite sorry for
dear ol’ Gilbert and Sullivan,
for no theatricists were more
the butt of jokes than these two men.
Could it be accessibility
that might make them easy prey,
that their tunes roll easily
off the mind most every day,
and we replace their words with ours,
and then our witty joy is full,
for beyond the Raj, and iv’ry towers,
no-one knows a major-general,
but perhaps it should be thus,
and the composers laugh with us.
I’m a little too befuddled to respond, yet I’m responding. This was truly glorious especially coming from a model of a biblical philologist. (Yes, I did check the spelling and am proud to report I got it right on my first attempt.)
Canadians – the Philistines? Well, that explains everything!
Helena, there was a contest awhile back to develop a Canadian national motto, along the lines of ‘As American as apple pie,’
The winner? ‘As Canadian as possible under the circumstances.’
It’s Greek to me. Or maybe not.
Wow! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Where did you ever find that? It was excellent!
Extra credit if you’re able to sing along.
I absolutely loved this!
I loved it. Thanks, Steve.
I may once have met a Philistine Canadian! He was a rare philologists who went by the name of Adrian.
Perhaps he was a pirate who went out to sea again.
Or sailed off to Penzance to have them check his cranium.
Brilliant, hilarious. I saw the Pirates as a kid and tried my best to write my own version of this song. Not as good as this 🙂