For those among the thousands who were snookered by my April Fool’s Day post last week, imagine if your 4th grade teacher gave you a spelling test like the one in this video.
It would have been fun if he had thrown in a real word like floccinaucinihilipilification. The word’s definition is “the action or habit of estimating something as worthless” – sort of like this blog post!
That’s great! I wish I had a teacher like that when I was in school!! Except I believe I’ve heard some of those words… or seen them written. My four year old writes them out… except they all mean “cat.”!!
Decidedly not sesquipedalian.
I love it, Steve. ROTFLOLACGU I almost fell off the chair at “chchch.” Great post.
Love this!! I could definitely see my son-in-law doing this when he taught school a few years ago.
Thanks for the Friday chuckles!
Loved it!!!!
That was GREAT! He had to have so much fun giving the test AND preparing for it! (I wonder if I can somehow get my daughter to take it without her knowing it’s a joke?? Hmmm.)
thankfully not a German word.
however, this would be fun to edit. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis