Considering the topic of the post on Monday, April 5, today’s video is absolutely perfect.
Are YOU a dedicated reader like this?
(If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
HT: Trissina Kear
That was hilarious!
Love that! Thanks for the smile on a rough day!
I love it! Ha.
Almost that dedicated. I’ve been known to burn dinner while reading.
Yes, someone else cooks and reads. So glad to hear this.
My wife would say that was me. It would be pieces of my iPad flying.
My mother often sent me out of the house in the summer. So book in hand I would walk and read. My mother just shook her head.
He must be a slow reader; the book appeared to be open to the same place in every scene.
Thank goodness I don’t have to mow the lawn!
HA! HA! HA! When I was younger, yes. I have been in trains and commercial buses that drove me past my destination but I have never lost a book to a mower unless the mower can replace my pet dog!!
That was really fun. God bless you!
Oh no!
Ha ha! That was great! My sons are like that. So often, when we go on a family walk in the woods, they will bring a book and read as they walk, ha!
Great fun. I can relate. When I was a preteen I’d take a book and a flashlight to bed, hide under the covers and read til my dad caught me! I still love to read and do it wherever – doctor’s office, home, waiting for a friend, listening while driving, and the (TMI) privy.
Hysterical! And, yes, I have been known to do many of those things, showering aside. Now that’s one I will have to give more thought to…Based on showers that last about 8 minutes, if I wash my hair, I could read how many books per year????
oh my I LOVE BOOKS and about half way through this I thought, wow, that looks great if it works…. but ah yes, reality always arrives eventually!!! And you see the insanity… but trust me… it is tempting!!!!
Thank you for sharing… it brought a smile and that is rare these days!!!
I hope the poor guy got another copy of the book; he looked engrossed in it! 🙂