Clever video about a seemingly lowly device.
Avoid connecting the metaphor to theological ideas, but they are present.
Instead, think of your journey as a writer and the calling you have to use the gift you have been given and leave God’s mark on the world with the work of your hands.
Do any of you use a pencil to write your thoughts? If so, what kind of pencil do you use?
Amen– those are the best. Haha
I love this!
I use a pencil for editing. A yellow PaperMate mechanical that I think is a wannabe Ticonderoga.
Good video.
This brought a tear to my eye. Well done. I haven’t used a pencil in years. Maybe I need to find one!
I’m sending this to my writer friends. Thanks.
Excellent! Words for life!!!
Thank you for sharing!!!
Rarely use a pencil but Ticonderoga is the only brand (Fort Ticonderoga is just down the road).
I tend to use a pen for everything, editing, even crossword puzzles. Pencil smudges and doesn’t scan well.
I love this! It is an easy reminder of what we should do and be in our life. The best pencil we can be.
Beautiful! Thanks, Steve.
A valuable lesson for all of us. Thank you, Steve.
Wonderful story at a time I really needed it.
I use 2 types of pencils. For rough work (drafts) Ticonderoga. For fine work (final drafts and journaling) Pentel 5.0.
Pencils? I do use carpenters pencils in my workshop–and believe me, I’d better measure twice and cut once! I write with pen. I leave plenty of room for changes–and those can become very entertaining. I squeeze two lines of words into a space intended for one correction. And I cross out and replace a multitude of words. But I honestly don’t see how a pencil would be practical for me (and most writers?). Now, I handwrote my novels/poems/songs and type them into a computer. I do like being able to continue to edit it as I go.
I should add that the allegory was spot on and very useful. Thank you.
Beautiful analogy Steve. I prefer a mechanical pencil myself.
I use a good old fashioned yellow #2 pencil with a decent eraser. It’s just like me-time tested, down to earth, nothing fancy truth.