To those of you with an April birthday, “Happy Birthday!” Today’s video is a fun interpretation of the song if it had been composed by some of the world’s greatest classical musicians.
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Superb! I didn’t get this on my email, Steve, but had to come onto your agent website- did someone forget to post it? I hope everything’s okay!
Haha, she’s brilliant, Mozart ‘intoxicated’ is best version by far 😉 April is a birthday of sorts for me, so thank you, much appreciated!
Thanks for sharing!
Love it. My birthday is in May so I’m going to ‘steal’ it for later. 🙂
Enjoyed it! The third best birthday gift so far. 🙂 The ending was awesome, although I thought she’d never get her jacket off—after working in theater for six years, I can imagine how much those stage lights make a person perspire.
Perfect for those of who love classical music, who played piano for a million years (never having thought of this), and those of us who appreciate how beautiful music can be so wrong yet so humorous. Talented and fun-loving pianist.
Moonlight Sonata (bwaahhhaaa) was my favorite song to play and I got a kick out of the change.