Someone captured a video of me teaching a group of writers about contract law. We discussed topics like indemnification, moral turpitude, the statutory right of termination, and more.
Unfortunately, the only thing the writers actually heard is what you hear in the video.
The navy blue outfit I wore that day seemed appropriate at the time. Sorry.
[If you cannot see the video in your email, please click through to the website where it is viewable.]
The years have treated you…well, Steve…
I look at video just found,
and have a thought that might seem odd;
I wonder, is this how we sound
to a smiling, laughing God?
Is all our wisdom, wealth, and travel,
every proud precocious day
reduced to merely childish babble,
something that a babe might say?
We like to think our thoughts are deep,
imbued with dignified free will
as we go bleating on like sheep,
complaints upon a winter hill.
But does He love us any less
even if words He has to guess?
Thought provoking. Thank you for the reminder. Praying for you.
Thanks, Cindy!
You have never been more clear.
Thank you. Spoken like a true fiend.
I mean, friend!
Well said.
Thank you, Steve!
Our new Great Dane puppy talks kinda like that.
This is more precious than anything! Makes me smile!
Future storyteller. Pretty cute.
Precious. Thank you, Steve.
And when he was finished speaking, he sat down.
Hilarious, Bill. Thanks for that.
Mark 16:19
That’s the clearest you’ve ever taught on that topic. Thanks for sharing your invaluable insights!
You may be right. The slumped shoulders and vacant countenance of the students as they file out of the class is a clue.
I love this little guy!!!!
No wonder you became a writer and teacher! Such dynamics and body language. Best hand gestures!
You made me LOL! Literally. 😉
Any mom or dad in your class would understand what you said.
Exactly. Translated as “the best day EVER!”
Well, this is much better than blah, blah, blah! Thanks for the laughs.
In Hawaiian: He mea iki
In Luxembourgish: Gär geschitt
In agent speak: Plixified blither ‘n ooblicoast!
😂 LOL. Ty!
At the risk of indemnification my moral turpitude requests the statutory right of termination of guilt for rolling on he floor laughing.
May need to re-read your termination clause.
That’s quite the haircut you’ve got there, Steve.
Suave AND sophisticated.
It is the way.
That was hilarious! Thank for the chance to start the day with something as important as moral turpitude. Your body language was so expressive as you drive home your key points.
Thank you for the best laugh of my day. I don’t remember you in that particular outfit at Mount Hermon. Thank goodness!