I was going to do my own video of this activity, but decided to take a nap instead.
There is a metaphor here, somewhere. Even world-class performers have to start with the basics. It is what they do with them that makes them world-class. See what you can do with a few words this coming week. Hop to it!
You can stop after the two-minute mark as the rest is their logo on top of the music.
That’s the thing ’bout sonnetry,
the words tie up without a rhyme,
and it is up to Dear Ol’ Me
to find the path ahead in time
for relevance in blogosphere
(you’re read only among the first!),
so you look for something near
to matching rhyme, your lips hard-pursed
against the clock’s incessant tick
(What rhymes with orange? Not a thing!);
check Word Hippo, make it quick,
and then it comes, that great ka-CHING
when the penny drops at last,
and sonnet unto comment’s cast.
That is very cool. I’m glad he has such control over the rope because I have childhood memories of accidentally catching a knuckle or my shin with those jump ropes with the plastic things on them and it always hurt really bad. XD
Yeah, umm, I taught him everything he knows.
Humm, few words?
Thank GOD It’s Fun Friday? Wait…
Thanks Steve.
It also speaks about consistency. Did you notice that the couple walking past didn’t even turn their heads to look when he first flips upside down? Clearly he practices here every day. A great lesson for writers…like me.
I’m glad I took up writing instead of jumping rope. A turn of phrase is so much easier than a double-twisty-somersaulting-sideways-muscle-stretching-life-threatening-heart-stopping turn over concrete.
On the other hand, I think I still have a jump rope around here somewhere. 🙃
Well, I’m speechless. The human body is an amazing tool.
Taking a nap sounds very tempting right about now.
This should have been in the Olympics rather than Breaking.
It would have been a Funner Friday if Steve did the video.
Whee!!! can’t wait to add this t0 my exercise program!!!