A very clever demonstration the English language. Worth listening to illustrate how the language has changed over the centuries.
Start talking like this at work or at dinner and see if anyone notices… !!!
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That leaves me speechless. There’s not way I could pull that off.
Dude’s got talent!
Coming from the south, I’m glad I don’t have to follow his rules. I’d have to learn sign language.
Me thinks the gentleman turned into a Frenchman. ROTFLOLACGU! Loved it!
Oh how fun. Yees. I believe I will.
Postine on Facebook..
Love it! Will post one Facebook…..
Wow! Just … wow!!
I barely understood a word the guy said. For a few lines, he sounded French, then Scot, then just weird. Thank heavens for the captions.
How much fun, but I could not finish listening! Every language has its exceptions; for example, rules with vowel-consonant combinations. I like grammar rules and my favorite languages are English, French, and Spanish. For me, the biggest trick between the three is the sound of “r”.
And I watched with fascination, remembering college days when we listened to an entire Shakespearean sonnet in Old English. Oy, that takes concentration—to listen to and to speak Old English . . . of sorts.