This phenomenon from nature is the perfect picture of a creative artist.
How hard will you work on your creation?
Wait for the “reveal” at the two-minute mark.
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Wow. “If this doesn’t get him noticed, nothing will.” The same could be said for the Artist who fashioned that fish!
Right on!
This is mind-blowing! It’s similar to the process of writing a book, constantly working. In the end, a masterpiece is created. Like the fish, just use what you have and eventually, your gift just might wow you. Thanks for sharing this video.
That’s amazing!
I was not prepared for the “whoa!” experience at the end. That was a true eyebrow archer.
Amazing! Thanks for sharing.
This is so cool! Thank you for sharing these obscure but wonderful and beautiful finds. God is so lavishly generous, and you are, too!
Whoa!!! That is amazing!
So much for thinking fish are lower life forms! This beats anything birds or mammals do. Only humans top this because we were created to create.
Love Carol Ashby’s comment. God breathed life into us, mankind. Thanks for sharing, Carol.
That is so awesome…..but where’s the girl? Did he work in vain?
This leaves me humbled and amazed. It tells me that it takes plenty of time and much energy to make my creations as beautiful, and nothing is too big for me to accomplish, if I persist. Thanks.
Twenty-four hours/day, seven days a week – ummm, think I’ll try sitting in my writer’s chair a bit longer each day and think about the extraordinary creation of this tiny fish.
Wow, thanks for sharing, Steve!
I thought of the spider web. Of the Honeycomb. Geometry is not limited to humans.
For the fish, I especially appreciate his combination of precision and chaos. There are parts that are measured and other parts that are random. That is true art. In writing, we have rules and we have Spirit that shows us what we don’t expect, that can lead us anywhere.
Humans are bridges. Dust of earth and Breath of God. There is plenty of conflict in that paradigm, and an eternity of beauty.
That’s what I got from the fish.
Wonderful to see! The beauty of the Lord revealed, so easily missed, but so grand! It delights HIS heart… and in creation, that is the mystery of it all. We too delight HIS heart! What a blessing!!!