Today’s video is a long one (11 minutes) but is the perfect break from your busy day … to learn how this man folds amazing paper airplanes for world records.
You finished your Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping. You finished NaNoWriMo (if you are a novelist). You deserve a break.
And by the way, at the 2:30 mark, the fellow has a book too. So he is a fellow author.
Wow—thanks, Steve. As a pilot and flight instructor, I can say that the applied and theoretical aerodynamics information he incidentally communicates in this jam-packed, astounding video is on the mark and brilliantly shared. Extraordinary, and how generous for him to show everything. I now know one Christmas present many will receive from me in a few weeks (in addition to Atomic Habits, which I’ve already sent to the kids).
Thanks Steve! Only made and tested the first plane but plan to share with my sons who are both pilots. Fascinating! The book will be a great Christmas present.
Thank you for this fantastic demonstration of aeronautic science and art, something that can be shared and enjoyed by the entire family. Marilyn Pardine
Steve, you find the most fascinating things to share on Fridays. This is certainly no exception. I was mesmerized by it.
Great! Now I’ve got something else to distract me from my “honey do” list.
Another great video! I wish everyone could learn to fly (I have a private pilot’s license). I also think everybody should have the experience of writing a book!
I just ordered Mr. Collins’s book on paper airplanes and I can foresee a Christmas day family airplane-making and competition coming up. Thank you!
Fascinating, Steve! I plan to share this with my youngest son, who used to fold his Sunday School take-home papers into airplanes.
May everyone’s words on paper take flight with such ingenuity and creativity!