This is fun to watch. Imagine how hard it was to edit this piece. But even harder would have been convincing hundreds of people in other countries to participate!
Hope this makes you smile today.
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Oh, how wonderful -thank you! I think this must surely have made God smile.
Great job! I volunteer for the next video, if travel is included!
That was fantastic. But I’m not sure how difficult it would’ve been to convince people to join…I would’ve done it in a heartbeat!
Watching, smiling, and realized my feet were moving, too. ?
Fun Friday, indeed!
Have you seen also the global efforts and success of David Wesley? If not, take a look! He used to do acapella alone but found Christians worldwide who could do the same.
Smiling. Tapping feet. Thanks, I need this.
I smiled. A long time.
Smiling, because the world now feels like a small and fun community!
I LOVE this!!! Do you think he really went to all those places, or that he went to some of them and used extremely high editing skills to create a great video? I noticed that in many of the clips, the dancers cast no shadows. Odd. And he said he danced with people from different places, not that he actually went to all the places. Whatever he did, what a great time he must have had! I kept trying to ID the locations, but I was only certain about a few obvious ones–the Sydney Opera House, Machu Picchu, the Eiffel Tower, St. Peter’s Square. Wouldn’t it be fun to know where they all were? Thanks, Steve–truly a Fun Friday post, even when enjoyed on Saturday!
Huh. It makes me think that going all over the globe and using our military might not be the best of all possible contributions we can make to the world. Maybe we could use a minuscule part of that funding to encourage people to dance with us instead? But how would that help the stock market . . . .
Never mind, crazy idea.