Since yesterday’s post was a “A Writer’s Lament,” I thought this video would be appropriate.
Very clever refashioning a cat’s mournful cry into a song. But even more, it sounds like the cat is a writer!
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Is it weird that I am crying?
Talented guy!
Only two biscuits, that poor cat!
Steve, it seems like shared another video from The Kiffness once before, I had the tune from that one stuck in my head for days:
What a creative mind!
I love cats! Thank you!!!
That cat looks and sounds amazingly like MY cat! And as I’m gone at least twice a day he “wonders” where the heck I’ve gone. He hears the door open and we’re back to business as usual.
Love it!
This could be my new theme song on some days. I agree with Steven S, it certainly will stick in my head for a while.
Hello from Happykiddi.
That is one talented cat dad!
This video made my day. Thanks for sharing.
Sophia x