A lack of gravity doesn’t stop this group from making an amazing video. The combination of music, choreography, creativity, and sheer genius is breathtaking. Enjoy!
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The planning and choreography required to pull this off would be incredible!! Talk about hard work paying off.
Yes, this truly defines a fun Friday. Thanks for sharing. Watched the whole piece to see how they would stay in motion. However, if the song was selling something, I couldn’t tell. I was too mesmerized by the actions.
This WAS fun!!! But I must admit, my heart goes out to whoever had to clean that mess up afterwards!
I thought the exact same thing!!
Fun, but what a MESS!!
This is what Virgin Galactic is going to look like when they start taking people up into space!
I can’t even imagine the amount of practice required! What would your head feel like after a day of dancing in zero gravity I wonder?
These are the same guys who did an impressive music video on treadmills. Search “OK Go treadmill” on YouTube if you haven’t seen it.