Virtuoso is almost too easy of a word to describe the artist in today’s video.
Alexandr Hrustevich + Vivaldi + ACCORDIAN???
You will have one of two reactions to this genius in relation to your own talent: (1) Aspire to greatness. (2) Crawl under a blanket and ponder your existence.
Just kidding.
I’d rather you do the first. Take a moment to contemplate the hours of practice and the millions of mistakes that came first. Then appreciate the effort. This isn’t a virtuoso performance because Alexandr woke up one morning already accomplished. He had to work to get to this point.
What will you do this weekend that improves your ability? Doug Wilson calls it “ploductivity.”
[If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.]
Goosebumps! Crawling under blanket to ponder my existence.
Magnificent! Would make Vivaldi proud! Reminds me of Malcomb Gladwell’s “10,000 hours” theory. It’s evident that Alexandr Hrustevich put in his hours. Makes me ask, “What am I spending my hours doing so that I can contribute to my own virtuoso standing in my skill-set?”
It’s a far cry from the polka usually heard on an accordion! Just goes to show it’s not the instrument (or the typewriter/computer/iPad) that creates the artistry, but the user.
I closed my eyes and inhaled the dusty sent of the cavernous music hall. The music took me to a special time in my life where nothing was impossible. Bravo!!! Bravo!!!!
Ooops scent not sent.
Can’t believe he didn’t get a standing ovation for that. And maybe I missed it, but I didn’t see any sheet music. Wow.
Busy weekend planned with The Juniper Conference hosted by CJ Redwine and Mary Weber. And rewrites . . . lots of rewrites.
Wonderful! And I love the new word you added to my vocabulary: “ploductivity.”
Inspiring ~ I posted on my FB with a quote from you ~ I hope that is ok.
Inspiring indeed!!! The talents that Lord has created for us to enjoy in our fellowship with one another, what a blessing!!!
I never thought I’d be unable to stop listening to an accordion …
Even more powerful the second time around. The dynamics are thrilling.
(Beats ol’ Weird Al hollow, don’t it?)
This is amazing!! And some of the time, he’s not even looking at his hands! Talk about muscle memory!
He’s taken a musical instrument to the max. This is a man who challenges himself. As a guitar player, I appreciate his skill, but am also aware of the stamina required to maintain the pace.
Absolutely outstanding!
Impressive. Thank you.
How does he do it?! How can he not even look and press the right buttons. Incredible!
Wondrous! He morphed his accordion into a hand-held organ. Fabulous sounds, stunning effort.
10,000 hours of hard work, to our delight.
Wow! That is amazing!!!