Steve Laube, president and founder of The Steve Laube Agency, a veteran of the bookselling industry with 40 years of experience. View all posts by Steve Laube →
Fantastic, Steve! I really enjoyed this. Dance and music have been a source of joy in our lives for years. All three of our kids danced (Scottish Highland, tap, ballet, lyrical, contemporary, pointe, hip hop, jazz, adagio–you name it!) and one is now teaching. The music never stops around here. Both can provide Inspiratuon and be a powerful form of of worship. It is no wonder dancing and music make their way into my fiction. Thanks for sharing!
That’s important in “Chasing the Music,” the hunt for King David’s music of the Psalms. Imagine the worship if we had that music with us in the churches and synagogues!
What a blast!
So, let me see. The video’s 4:08 long, which means I can watch it 14 times an hour. Times 8 hours. That’s 112 times today. What fun!
No work will get done, but the Bible does say something about laughter being good medicine, right?
Thanks, Steve.
The dancing and music was was great and filled with joy, but as I watched, in my mind I saw images of friends that lost limbs and have prosthetic devices replacing them. I wondered how many of the dancers had an inkling of the sacrifices that we, the military disabled veterans made so that they could have the freedom to participate in such happy activities. The expression “Freedom isn’t Free” came to mind while I enjoyed the music and dancing that I can no longer do. I’m not trying to be a downer, but rejoicing in all that we enjoy.
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Great video. So much fun for the people participating and those viewing. Thanks for sharing.
Great video! Great energy! Great motivation to write, write, write!
Awesome. Best one yet! Everything was tapping, not just the toes!
how does everyone learn the same movements in so little time…???
Fantastic, Steve! I really enjoyed this. Dance and music have been a source of joy in our lives for years. All three of our kids danced (Scottish Highland, tap, ballet, lyrical, contemporary, pointe, hip hop, jazz, adagio–you name it!) and one is now teaching. The music never stops around here. Both can provide Inspiratuon and be a powerful form of of worship. It is no wonder dancing and music make their way into my fiction. Thanks for sharing!
That’s important in “Chasing the Music,” the hunt for King David’s music of the Psalms. Imagine the worship if we had that music with us in the churches and synagogues!
Spontaneous dance mobs are the best!
What fun! I love it!
What a blast!
So, let me see. The video’s 4:08 long, which means I can watch it 14 times an hour. Times 8 hours. That’s 112 times today. What fun!
No work will get done, but the Bible does say something about laughter being good medicine, right?
Thanks, Steve.
I remember that song from the first time around.
That moment when you realise just how old you might be. 😀
I love E.L.O.!! Some of the best “feel-good music” around!
Loved it. Whole lotta toe tapping going on here. Thanks for sharing.
As some one who can’t dance, this is truly amazing, plus a lot of fun to watch.
The dancing and music was was great and filled with joy, but as I watched, in my mind I saw images of friends that lost limbs and have prosthetic devices replacing them. I wondered how many of the dancers had an inkling of the sacrifices that we, the military disabled veterans made so that they could have the freedom to participate in such happy activities. The expression “Freedom isn’t Free” came to mind while I enjoyed the music and dancing that I can no longer do. I’m not trying to be a downer, but rejoicing in all that we enjoy.