Steve Laube, president and founder of The Steve Laube Agency, a veteran of the bookselling industry with 40 years of experience. View all posts by Steve Laube →
Well, let’s see. The running animal is the hard-working, brilliant author. The tree is the disinterested agent. The lions are the curious but unconcerned editors. 🙂
There is an argument, though, that the author might have altered its direction slightly. Though death by tree seems better than death by lion’s teeth, so perhaps it was a suicide run.
Sometimes, when you’re hungry for a story, inspiration comes special delivery without your having to manufacture it. 🙂 That’s actually happened to me several times. I was in desperate need of a workshop entry for school. But I had nothing–no ideas, zip. So I prayed about it, because the deadline for sending 15-20 pages of a story was coming at the end of the week. The next day, I had a story idea and cranked out 17 pages! I submitted the pages an hour before the deadline.
Great ideas coming swiftly, racing for the goal of getting published, but then bam! Writer’s block and unable to continue without any ideas how to wrap up the story and send it in. Sudden death.
The antelope is the enthusiastic writer, the lions are agents and editors. The tree? Guidelines that effectively and unceremoniously weed out writers who don’t pay attention.
Okay, so there is a metaphor here……the bottom line “Is watch out where you are going or you might not like where you end up.” The antelope is the writer who is trying with all her power to get her work accepted by a literary agent. The lions, which appear to be sitting fat and happy, are the agents (sorry Steve, this is your blog…) who may or may not do anything about the writer’s query. The tree is the obstacles that the wonderful writer is facing….but not doing a very good job tackling. Splat! How’s your day going?
Well, let’s see. The running animal is the hard-working, brilliant author. The tree is the disinterested agent. The lions are the curious but unconcerned editors. 🙂
There is an argument, though, that the author might have altered its direction slightly. Though death by tree seems better than death by lion’s teeth, so perhaps it was a suicide run.
Robin, that was almost as hysterical as the video!
Sometimes, when you’re hungry for a story, inspiration comes special delivery without your having to manufacture it. 🙂 That’s actually happened to me several times. I was in desperate need of a workshop entry for school. But I had nothing–no ideas, zip. So I prayed about it, because the deadline for sending 15-20 pages of a story was coming at the end of the week. The next day, I had a story idea and cranked out 17 pages! I submitted the pages an hour before the deadline.
Great ideas coming swiftly, racing for the goal of getting published, but then bam! Writer’s block and unable to continue without any ideas how to wrap up the story and send it in. Sudden death.
Haha! My very first thought was don’t get ahead of yourself.
It’s not what we fear most that is our undoing.
The antelope is the enthusiastic writer, the lions are agents and editors. The tree? Guidelines that effectively and unceremoniously weed out writers who don’t pay attention.
Okay, so there is a metaphor here……the bottom line “Is watch out where you are going or you might not like where you end up.” The antelope is the writer who is trying with all her power to get her work accepted by a literary agent. The lions, which appear to be sitting fat and happy, are the agents (sorry Steve, this is your blog…) who may or may not do anything about the writer’s query. The tree is the obstacles that the wonderful writer is facing….but not doing a very good job tackling. Splat! How’s your day going?
It’s a metaphor for life, period. It’s not what it seems and when you’re least expecting it, it will get you.
Your worst enemy isn’t what you fear the most, it’s rushing about without your eye on the goal.
I hadn’t seen this one in a while, Steve. It cracks me up every time. The parallels in real life are almost limitless. Thanks for posting it.
Notice that I gave you credit for sending me this video. A little “HT” underneath the video screen.
HT = “hat tip” in the vernacular of the internet. 🙂