When grown men have too much time on their hands and have lost patience waiting for the next “Star Wars” installment.
[Warning: there is definite guy-humor in this…explosions and other fun things.]
The ending is hilarious.
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All right. It was funny, even for this female. Of course, if you’re a woman and have lived long enough this is no surprise. 🙂 Will forward to my husband. He will love it.
Ok, I laughed some. My husband rolled on the floor. Doesn’t surprise me because he’s still captivated by remote-control farting gadgets.
Hey, someone rummaged through the slush pile (not naming names here) and found this submission. It bypassed the book stage and went straight to script. The only thing missing on this trailer is how much our investment will be to “get in” on the movie. Hurry, there’s limited slots open! LOL
The truth is I HAVE been presented trailers that were produced in order to induce investment in a movie and many of them were not near as good as this. Oh, the media business! God Bless!
Pure genius. I’m getting out my 10 gage dart gun right now. And yes, I really have one. No judgments necessary.
Now that took some work and it was very funny. I love the little cars with you guys hangng out of it. I guess you have to keep occupied waiting for the next big novel to come along.