The brilliant Tom Lehrer wrote this song where the lyrics are from the “Elements” in the Periodic Table. Today’s video shows him performing it live in Copenhagen in 1967.
Amazing. Be sure to wait to see what he does after the applause!
By the way, he was a math professor at MIT, Harvard, Wellesley, and the University of California, Santa Cruz. Read about him on this Wikipedia page:
The lyrics to his songs can be found at this link:
(For some reason the video has a ticking clock sound in the last few seconds.)
I used to be impressed with Johnny Cash’s “I’ve Been Everywhere.” 😂
Thanks so much for sharing this Steve – a delightful addition to my Friday morning!
Thank you, Steve, for sharing this video. During my elementary school days, our music teacher would “periodically” play parts of a Tom Lehrer album. Lehrer’s creativity enchanted my developing psyche, and I persuaded my parents to buy an album so I could listen to him more often than a few times each month during class.
Ha ha! That is fabulous. I could see my math-loving sons enjoying that.
Even my kids enjoyed this one! My five year old just walked past saying, “There is earth, fire, air, and water.” 😀
Absolutely awesome!!!!
Absolutely awesome!!!! Which is worth repeating!!!!!
I’m always happy when someone is familiar with Tom Lehrer. Way back in elementary school, a friend of mine introduced me to his album “That Was the Year that Was,” and it has stayed with me all these years. The songs come to mind often, sometimes just from my hearing a word or phrase that reminds me of one. Speaking of his being a math professor, have you heard his 1964 song “New Math?” If not, you must! Here’s a link to a video where someone created animation to make it easier to follow.
I googled Mr.Lehrer. He is 94 and still will us.
Now, if I could just write my words as fast as he sings his.