I’ve met some fast talking editors and authors…but none can match John Moschitta. The Guinness Book of Records “Fastest Talking Man.”
First is the original Federal Express commercial that made him famous. Then is a fun interview with him reciting an entire Michael Jackson song in 20 seconds.
Leaves me speechless.
Moshitta talks faster than I can listen.
The deaf can sign faster than I can see.
My mind leaves behind my typing.
But, my written words are me.
THAT was great! I’m still laughing as I type! My problem is, this is too often how I read when I’m supposed to be self-editing. I have to do my edits in bite size pieces or my mind will start to speed up and gloss over portions that need tweaking.
HA!! I’d forgotten about that FedEx commercial.
Holy cow, that’s an amazing commercial. So well-shot, well-written, and well-produced. Love the style! Even though it’s supposed to be silly, it’s actually inspiring. . . whoever directed it had to have been ridiculously proud.
AND it’s hilarious.
Back in 1989(?) when I was at a big ad agency on Michigan Avenue, I hired John Moschitta for a TV commercial for the Kroger Fast Lane. The script included reasons to use the Kroger Fast Lane: Bob making a stop for pop on the way to a Sock Hop. Nate picking up flowers because he’s late for a date. We hired the best teleprompter guy in Chicago because Moschitta is hard to keep up with! The spot is on my reel, which I have never transferred from videotape to digital. I need to do that!
How fun! I figured out years ago that I could boost the replay time for any mandatory safety or security training video to 1.4x or even 1.8x speed and still get every word. It’s a great time saver when rapid completion is the goal so you can get back to something more productive.
Back int the day, producing long-form radio for Josh McDowell, The Bible League, Prison Fellowship, and so on I always listened at double speed. I tried recently, and it’s gibberish. Either I’m old or just out of practice.
Probably only out of practice, Jay. It depends on how fast the speaker talks. 1.4x was almost too fast for some, 1.8x too slow for others. It also depends on how fast the people you normally listen to talk. Some of my Texas relatives think I talk fast, but my friends in NM don’t think so.
Haha!! I remember him from the Micro Mahines commercials!
I feel like my brain is going that fast when I’m trying to write sometimes. LOL
Thank you. This was fun to watch. I think my only fast-talking claim to fame would be that throughout a few decades of children/youth ministry, I’ve offered to pay any of my students $5 if they could say the 39 books of the Old Testament faster than me. As a shy youth, I’d been required to recite them in front of the church, so in preparation I drilled them until I could make them sound like one very long multi-syllable word. Of course I had to recite clearly that Sunday, but it’s been fun to challenge students to beat my time. So far I’ve never had to pay up but I didn’t have someone like this man in my classes! 🙂 Incidentally, I only had to recite the New Testament books within our small sympathetic class, so to this day, I chastise myself for lacking the motivation to learn them as thoroughly. 🙂
And my students complain that I sometimes speak too fast…….hum, will have to play this video for them!