I can safely say that we have all sorts of music on display with Fun Fridays!
This week it is classic bluegrass with Patty Loveless and Ricky Skaggs singing “Daniel Prayed.”
Warning: The chorus will stick in your head all day. Which may not be a bad reminder!
Full lyrics are posted below the video for your reference.
(If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
I read about a man one day
He wasted not his time away
He prayed to God
Every morning, noon, and night
He cared not for the things avail
But trusted one who never fails
Oh, Daniel prayed
Each morning, noon, and night
Oh, Daniel served his living God
While upon the earth he trod
He prayed to God each morning, noon, and night
He cared not for the king’s decrees
But trusted God to set him free
Oh, Daniel prayed every morning, noon, and night
They locked him in the lions’ den
Because he could not honor men
But he prayed to God
Every morning, noon, and night
The jaws were locked; it made him shout
And God soon brought him safely out
Oh, Daniel prayed
Every morning, noon, and night
Now, brother, let us watch and pray
Like Daniel did from day to day
He prayed to God
Every morning, noon, and night
We, too, can gladly dare and do
And pray to God he’ll see us through
Oh, Daniel prayed
Every morning, noon, and night
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriter: Ralph Stanley
Steve – I’m so glad to know you appreciate bluegrass! I have a great memory of listening to the Patty Loveless album, Mountain Soul (where she recorded this song), as my dad and I drove through the mountains from my hometown of Erwin, TN to Mountain City, TN to watch my high school team play football on a beautiful fall Friday night!
Wonderful fun and God honoring song ~ the lyrics would make a great children’s picture book . . . .
A catchy tune to begin the Sabbath, or like Daniel, every day, morning, noon and night. Thank you!
I was at a conference in Dallas many years ago, when they told us this fella was gong to give us a private concert. He came out on stage and the crowd went wild. Except me. I had no idea who he was but was immediately caught up in his music. I said to the gal next two me, “I think this guy is going to make it.” And then I realized that Ricky Skaggs already had…..
Great stuff! Thanks for sharing
Please Lord let it go viral!!! We need this spirit of prayer and trust to go coast to coast!!!!
Yes, Daniel Prayed!!!! Read it book in the Bible… Daniel Chapter 9
Pray every morning for repentance, noon and night!!! Cry out to the Lord with the same zeal these dear ones display!!!
Loved it! Thanks for sharing. Yes, I’ll be humming it all day.
Thanks for the joy!
How beautiful!! I really enjoyed that Daniel poem! How wonderful the rhyming couplets!! Thanks and God bless you. Amen.