Over 20 million people have watched today’s video since it was posted 10 days ago. If you’ve already seen it, watch it again. It’s a beautiful original song by a young woman battling cancer (three times in the last four years). This young lady, Jane Marczewski, sings under the name of Nightbirde.
We have those in our small community who struggle with physical ailments, even excruciating pain, every day. (We see you, Andrew.) We pray for peace, rest, and the grace that can only come from God.
What the mainstream media missed is Nightbirde’s background. She is a graduate of Liberty University and writes freely of her faith in God even when it is impossible. Take a quiet moment and try to read her blog from March 9, 2021, “God is on the Bathroom Floor.“
Here is one short quote from her exquisite writing: “Call me cursed, call me lost, call me scorned. But that’s not all. Call me chosen, blessed, sought-after. Call me the one who God whispers his secrets to. I am the one whose belly is filled with loaves of mercy that were hidden for me.”
Amen and amen.
Now, enjoy listening to her song, “It’s Okay.”
(If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
We cannot wait for life to be perfect, to be happy (Jane). 😟. We all need to examine ourselves and take this check-up to our hearts and minds.
Incredible! Inspiring! precious gift from God. Thanks for sharing it.
Thank you for posting this, Steve. Jane is a friend of my best friend’s son and she led worship at a women’s ministry event for our church some years ago. Not only does she have an amazing singing voice, she’s a beautiful person inside and out. She shines brightly for our Lord.
Thank you for telling us that, Deena. I was thinking she was thanking our Lord at the end.
She’s definitely a godly young woman, Sharon.
I did not know what to write for awhile, and I’m not sure I can put it into words, but this woman’s response to suffering is appropriate to our Sunday School study of Job – when I am weak, He is strong!
I’m reminded of a quote by Viktor Frankl:
“When you find the redemption in suffering, it ceases to be suffering.”
Certainly this amazing young woman has found the redemption in her suffering and is sharing it with the world. I pray her healing will come and be a further witness to the goodness of God.
That was beautiful. If she can be so happy and live her life to the fullest, we have nothing to complaint about. Thank you, Steve.
May it be proclaimed that
God is using her far more than if she had stayed healthy. We’ll never understand Him –thank God.
Wow! That was amazing. So lovely!
There is God’s love writ large.
This is stunning. Her smile and obvious contentment with her life is beyond anything she can experience without God’s power and grace.
Wow! Attitude check time! Amazing.
I think we’re all about speechless. Wow, what a magnificent attitude!
At the moment we feel the need to complain about the little things, we need to remember Nightbirde. Inspiring!
“I have a two percent chance of survival, but two percent is not zero percent.” I cried during her performance and comments the first time and now here again. Thank you for posting this. It was an honor to read her blog after knowing her story from the show. Amazing woman.
Stunning. Riveting. Moving. Such an amazing talent offered with grace, beauty and depth.
“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.” Well said.
I saw Jane’s original performance and have watched it over and over. When I asked my sister-in-law in Zanesville, Ohio, if she knew Jane, she sent me the link to her blog. Jane attended my nephews’ arch rival Christian school in the same year’s class as my youngest nephew, and he was later her younger sister’s teacher in that school. Jane’s incredible AGT presentation and riveting words have triggered deep reflection. One mean-spirited man criticized Jane online for not giving a clear testimony of salvation through Jesus when she was on AGT. I immediately thought of Jesus’ admonition not to cast one’s pearls before swine. Remembering that it was only a metaphor, not to be taken literally (the audience and judges were not pigs), I think everything she said and did gave witness to her faith, and because of that clear difference in her, thousands who may not have well-received a testimony have sought out her blog that makes the Source of her strength perfectly clear. She challenged me to the core, and I’m grateful and praying for Jane/Nightbirde.
Thank you, Steve.
Steve, all the years we’ve been friends, you’ve always been an encouragement and inspiration to me. When I read your words, watched the video, and went to the link to Jane’s blog just now, you did it again. Left me wrecked with wonder at the way God’s love is so much…more. More than I imagine. More than I know. More than any words can express.
Thanks, brother.
I needed this.
My friend. I’ve seen you walk through lava-filled rivers of physical pain and suffering. I’ve listened as you’ve expressed the floods of emotional pain and loss.
Yet you too have continued to be a loud and long testimony to the goodness and greatness of God.
Never stop being that testimony. It is one we must all be reminded of when all seems lost.
Nightbirde (Jane) has given us a forever gift.
Wow, Steve, what a powerful message from someone “on the bathroom floor” with God. Thank you for sharing both her blog and her song, which was just amazing! I pray Nightbirde continues her journey despite her 2% chance of survival. Your words, and hers, are an encouragement to keep on going, trusting God in the middle of every deep challenge.