“How NOT to get published!” Karen Porter of Bold Vision Books put together this hilarious video of the wrong way to pitch your book at a writers conference.
As she says, every incident is based on real events. I can attest to that truth!
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Haha, I’ve seen and talked to people like that at conferences. Too funny!
If you stay around the conference scene for very long, you will witness every one of these!! hahahah GREAT VIDEO!!
I didn’t believe people actually did things like that until I actually saw them happen at conferences.
Wow- the little gal in the pink pants is certainly persistent, if nothing else. Ideas duly noted- thanks for the hysterical heads-up!
Way to funny, but unfortunately so true. When I see this happening at conferences I do wonder what happened to common respect and courtesy. Thanks for the chuckle on a Friday when I am dealing with noisy, high powered dryers in my torn-up guest bathroom and my writing studio due to a slow, undetected leak. E-gad! Not fun for a writer who needs silence and her space to write. I so look forward to reading your blog, and learning so much from all of you.
Poor agents – I believe you about the types of stalkers presented in this film. Even though I don’t always leave a reply I look forward to your Fun Friday posts.
This was equal part hilarious and scary. People actually do this?!
The part where the hopeful author shoved the manuscript under the bathroom stall door totally did me in. Point well taken. I will never be that author! (Or any of the others.)
Yes, people actually have done each and every one of the scenes in this video.
I once had a lady follow me into the men’s room. She was so intent on pitching her idea she lost track of her surroundings.
Pseudo-stalkers. Check.
God told me you will publish this. Check.
I know you don’t do this type of book, but you haven’t read mine. Check.
One author told me, years later, that they so desperately wanted to pitch me in person, but they couldn’t get an appointment… So this author said they positioned themself in a spot near the hotel elevators and watched me in various conversations at a distance until they saw me break away and move toward the elevators. At that moment this author “casually” strolled into my path and made their pitch. Apparently I said something like “Sounds good, but your job is to go back and make sure your manuscript blows me away.”
It did. And that person is now an award winning client.
But it wasn’t the pitch that did it. I don’t even remember the incident very well. It was their writing and great storytelling.