You simply have to watch and listen to this video to grasp its genius. You will have to be watching to follow the lyrics.
Of course, the music is now repeating in my mind on an endless loop!
From the copyright notes:
A biblical and ancient Near-Eastern-studies–themed parody of “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General” from The Pirates of Penzance. Lyrics, musical arrangement, and vocals by Joshua Tyra, ⓒ 2011. Music by Sir Arthur Sullivan, original lyrics by William S. Gilbert.
Too funny! I’d never heard some of those words. Whew! Glad I don’t have to remember them!
Too good! I love G&S. And while I have no idea what most of those words mean, it made me laugh. Thanks for the fun and have a great weekend.
Fun video. Wow, how can that sing those words without missing a beat!
Wow! I didn’t know people could talk that fast!
LOL!!! Where do you find this stuff every week?
What language! Lol
Wonder how many takes it took. So funny. Thanks for sharing.
Haha! Do y’all think he’s a philologist? I’d say he’s the very model of a Biblical one… ?
LOL! A fun way to start a Friday.
Oh, that was hilarious!! I shared it with my pastors. 😉
So, the Philistines were Canadians. I thought it was the other way round.
BRAVO! Loved it…
This is great fun. I shared it to my favorite Facebook group, You Know You’re and MK if . . . . because we have been having a discussion about whether some races or tribes of people are just naturally more gifted at learning lots of languages. My husband, a doctor of biblical studies with a very dry sense of humor actually laughed out loud when I showed it to him.
This is great fun. I shared it to my favorite Facebook group, You Know You’re an MK if . . . . because we have been having a discussion about whether some races or tribes of people are just naturally more gifted at learning lots of languages. My husband, a doctor of biblical studies with a very dry sense of humor actually laughed out loud when I showed it to him.
And the music is running in an endless loop in my mind as well. Thanks for the smiles this Friday!
Very impressive.
I love this. Our son has performed the role of Major General Stanley with the Austin G&S Society. I still don’t know how he does it!
I especially liked the theory that the Philistines were actually Canadians. Too funny.
But can he mix a good Martini?