If it were the month of May I could write, “May the fourth be with you.” But it is only March, so you’ll have to use your imagination.
Today’s video is an illustration of all the roles an indie author must take to write, edit, produce, and market their own book. HAH! Actually, it’s a really creative vocalist. Watch and enjoy!
(If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
He could certainly lead a March four fun.
Creativity knows no bounds!
It’s awesome. Particularly impressive, is he started making these before the pandemic.
Why is that impressive? Because during the pandemic, choirs all over the world (those who had the financial and technical wherewithal) started to create such videos to present to their congregations remotely. But before the pandemic? Who was taking multiple video recordings of a song, engineering them to play in sync, and putting each one up on a screen, with faces in little boxes?
I’m curious how he came up with this idea and how he managed the technical aspects of it before it became a thing. Mr. Van Ness is a music student in college, but he clearly is also talented in technology.
It’s a great analogy of any workplace. We all wear so many hats and must stretch ourselves to new venues.
Excellent analogy. It also describes parenthood to a tee… I’m sure there’s a Deathstar somewhere in there…
You gotta love that creativity. Thanks for posting this amazing feat.
So true of indie publishing! 🙂 But seriously, a fun listen. Thanks, Steve!
Ah, if only the end result of our indie efforts was always that extraordinary!