Johann Sebastian Bach is one of my favorite composers. The six pieces in his “Cello Suites” are extraordinary. But the first one in that collection is famous the world over. I urge you to find ten minutes in the next few days (if not today) to watch and listen to an analysis of the sheer genius of its composition.
Seeing and hearing how something so simple can become so profound should be an inspiration as you create your own masterpiece.
In many of his other works–not this one–Bach wrote the initials S. D. G. at the end of his compositions. S.D.G or Soli Deo Gloria–Glory to God Alone.
(If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
Beautiful suite and interesting to see the theory behind the music.
This link goes to a cello adaptation of Barber’s “Sure on this Shining Night” by my nephew-in-law. I love Barber; I love cello.
Nancy, Seth Russell playing “Sure on this Shining Night” is wonderful!
That was great. I’m learning the guitar and I’ve learned a lot of music theory and so this was an eye opener. The relationship between the dominant to the tonic really makes sense.
This is incredible! How wonderful that Bach dedicated his compositions and used his talents for “the glory of God!”
Bach was such a brilliant composer. I’m not a musician, but I used to play some of his two-part inventions when I took piano lessons. I still don’t understand how he could have composed those beautiful and complex pieces.
Did you notice in the video when she explained about the G as tonic and the D as dominant that it appeared on the screen as
G ♥ D
How fitting.
I love the concept of a pedal point. The recurring note that grounds the others. Thanks for sharing. Inspired to return to the note-by-note work of writing.
I join Bach to proclaim: To God be all the glory alone!
This is more than fun, it is refreshing. Thanks Mr. Laube.
I played Bach for many years as a flute student, but I don’t think I really “got” it until I went to college and studied under someone who had been a student of Susan Rotholz. This recording of the Flute Sonata in C Major really blew my mind out of the water.
For those of you who don’t know, Bach’s music (at least for flute) is generally relatively unornamented, and the intention is for the performer to improvise around it. That means there can be a really dramatic difference when you have someone who’s really an expert playing it vs. what you’d typically learn as a student.
Thanks, Steve for sharing.
If only Bach gave flutists a chance to breathe! String players have the advantage on us there.
What an interesting video! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Steve. This is a classic in your selections.
There are tunes and then there is music. No wonder “longhair” music speaks to the soul, sooths the spirit, and develops the mind. The fact that the cello closely mimics the range of the human voice makes the sound all the more personal.
Wow! That was stunning!