Since today is the Friday before a long holiday weekend (at least in the USA), I figure many of you need a break. But not the kind that doesn’t use your brain.
Instead, today’s video shows 10 puzzle problems. Your task is to move one or two matchsticks and change the mathematical equation. Great fun! Play this with your children or grandchildren.
The first one has another solution, if you only have to move one matchstick.
#2 can also be 3 X 3 = 9.
I found answers to only four of these within the 30 seconds allowed, which is probably why I did not receive a call back from a potential employer after taking their data analytics and aptitude test after I interviewed with them. Not a bad outcome since that test made me realize my brain is the creative and intuitive type rather than analytical and mathematical.
Thanks for a fun exercise.
I’m so glad I’m a writer and not an analytical mathematician. This just confirmed my career trajectory is the only object moving in the correct direction.