Today’s video left me in awe. Hiromi Uehara takes a familiar melody, Pachabel’s “Canon in D,” but turns it into something breathtaking. It may seem a little strange sounding for the first couple of minutes, but stay with it! You’ll be glad you did.
If you can read music, the transcription score of her performance runs throughout the bottom of the video. Dare you try to play it yourself? (You can buy the score at this link!)
Note the pianist’s sheer joy in playing.
Was this improvisation or practiced “improvisation”?
Our oldest daughter is a professional pianist, and I have had the fun of turning the pages while she plays for the family. Thus to see the score of this jazz rendition was quite entertaining!
It’s worth multiple listens.
(If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
How cool was that?! And from playing piano years ago, my right forearm is cramping at the thought of the hours of practicing that went into that intricate of a piece of sheet music!
Fun! Yes, so many hours of practice. I loved the notation on the score.
“continue with random sloppy clusters” 🤣
Wow!! Thank you!
Loved her skill and passion that would allow her to improvise should she decide. Every note lies within her soul – no wrongs. They all come out perfect!
That was really something else!
Wow! May we all experience such joy while sharing our creative gifting.
I usually like Pachabel’s Canon, but this was a bit too jazzy for me. I prefer everything less with a beat and I’m real old fashioned.
But it was fun to listen to the first few minutes…
*sighs contently* I love Fun Fridays.
Amazing and lovely!
Loved the musical notation (around min. 7) to ‘gradually add more wrong notes (aka jazz)’…
What a joy to listen to someone who is so passionate about their craft.
Now that was a Fun Friday. Thanks, Steve.
Simply amazing technique, interp and artistry. Thank you for sending this.