With every major production there has to be someone “directing.” But it’s always better if that director is excellent, engaging, and entertaining. Enjoy today’s video of one such leader…You simply can’t take your eyes off of him!
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HT: Kim Moore
What fun! Can you imagine what he’s like at home???
Joy Neal Kidney –
What a neat way to see FOLLOW THE LEADER – played out (no pun intended)
THIS WAS GREAT! Thanks, Steve!
As someone who took 10 years of piano lessons and performed with choirs in the states and overseas, I appreciate this conductor on so many levels. Underneath his charisma and pure joy of conducting are countless hours of honing his craft. Just like with writing, he had to know the rules before he could break them in a meaningful way.
I LOVE this! I posted it immediately to my FB page with this comment: Utterly delightful video of the William Tell Overture for band geeks and music lovers alike. I was blessed to have some remarkable music instructors in my youth and this video reminded me of Don Druart from East Kentwood high school (East Kentwood, MI). Not only was he an animated and inspiring director, but he was also a lovely man. I was saddened earlier this year to find out that he passed away in 2019. This one’s for you, Mr. D!
What I didn’t mention, but probably should have, was that for all his flamboyance as a director, he had a profound influence on my journey as a young Christian. His office was always open to students who needed refuge and on the corner of his desk within easy reach? The Bible. It was always there, just like he was always there. He led. I followed. I wandered around a good long while, but I never forgot that desk, that chair, that book, that man. Make no mistake. God uses those quiet expressions of faith to reach the ones that are wandering in search of the truth.
Thanks for sharing!
Animated, inspiring, and just fun to watch
Loved it! Thanks for sharing!
What an entertainer! As a former band member myself, though, I could tell he didn’t keep the time signature through every part. Those instrumentalists had to already know their own parts backward and forward at that point. But the director gave the motivation to keep going and to engage individually in creating something to be enjoyed as a whole.
Oh, I love this!! 🙂
Tons of talent in that band – – wow!!
Thanks for sharing.
I need to see more of this amazing band! Thanks for sharing!
Love to see someone who loves his calling in life!!!!
Haha, that has to be the most fun song to play or direct. Thanks for sharing. Happy Friday, everyone!
I hope no brass band members died in the making of this video!
That was so much fun, I’m going to watch it again. Thanks for sharing.
The director can make sure a difference in the fun that the orchestra has. And the looks on the faces of the men who were in the choir told that story well!
This added to a joyful Friday! Thanks for making us smile and laugh on Fridays!
What a fabulous leader! And such fun. Thanks Steve.
Brightened my day. Thanks!