Today’s video is one of those brilliant and clever mashups of video clips matched to a familiar song.
According to its creator, not a single clip was sped up or slowed down to match the music. It has the appearance of a master choreographer!
Can you name all the movies or dancers in this video? If you get stuck, click the closed-caption feature and all is revealed.
I couldn’t help but smile all the way through this. Hope you do too.
[If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.]
So awesome!!!
What amazes me is that all but a couple of those were filmed before I was born…sometimes decades before! Wow! Especially amazing that they didn’t have to speed up or slow down. Rhythm is timeless, I guess.
That was truly fun. I kept watching the feet and hand movements. Couldn’t tell the moves weren’t designed for that music.
That took a lot of work, putting all those scenes together in just the right place. The beat wasn’t so hard, but the moves had to be right. I love Fred Astaire’s footwork. He was in a class all by himself.
Thanks, Steve.
What an uplifting, fun way to accompany my morning coffee.
Thanks, Steve.
Wow. Just Wow! The perfect rhythm to match the beat, to match the moves, to match the shoes and the hands and the bodies…wow. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Amazing! I couldn’t help wondering who has the time to put this together. Wow! Thanks for sharing it.
I say, “Wow!”
So clever! Really enjoyed your Fun Fridays video. Thank you for sharing! 🥰
Wow! Amazing. That had to take so much time and precision to put together. I enjoyed the video. Thanks for sharing, Steve.
Amazing! Fun to watch.