On this last day of November, watch this amazing video of a Rube Goldberg Machine (click for a definition) using marbles and rubber bands.
The creator says it took him a week to build and film with 40 failures before it finally worked.
Writer metaphor: How many failures will you endure before your masterpiece is right?
Now, that’s a fun video. Especially sense it’s hand made.
That’s way too cool. I’ve already watched it three times!
Thanks for the fun video. I do wonder if he has too much time on his hands, however.
That is the coolest marble video. Quite the talent if it took only forty attempts. As for writers … it depends.
Ha, ha! Excellent reminder of our working the craft and dealing with failures. Failures are good teachers. So are good coaches, editors, agents, our sweat and blood — and faith/prayers and preservation.
As many as it takes to get it right!